The Relationship Between Parenting and Mental Health Disorders


Parenting plays an important role in a child’s growth and can have a substantial impact on their mental health. The relationship between parenting and mental health illnesses is intricate and multifaceted. In this talk, we will take a step-by-step look at the link between these two variables.

Early Childhood Experiences: 

The foundation of a child’s mental health is frequently laid during childhood. Positive parenting practices such as love, support, and a solid attachment can help children develop a strong sense of self-esteem and emotional well-being. Neglect, abuse, or inconsistent parenting, on the other hand, might contribute to emotional and psychological problems.

Parental Mental Health: 

The mental health of parents has a direct impact on their capacity to offer a nurturing environment for their children. It may be difficult for parents suffering from mental health illnesses such as depression, anxiety, or substance addiction to meet their child’s emotional and developmental requirements. This has the potential to have a domino impact on the child’s mental health.

Genetics and Hereditary Factors: Some mental health illnesses are inherited. Due to a genetic predisposition, children of parents with a history of mental health difficulties may be more sensitive to developing comparable conditions. This emphasises the role of genetics and parenting in the development of mental health issues.

Modeling Behavior:

Children learn by observing their parents. If parents exhibit unhealthy coping mechanisms or behaviors associated with mental health disorders, children may adopt these patterns. This modeling can contribute to the development of mental health issues in children.

Attachment and Emotional Regulation: A secure attachment to a caregiver is essential for a child’s emotional development. Children who experience inconsistent or neglectful parenting may struggle with emotional regulation, which can lead to mental health challenges such as anxiety or attachment disorders.

Parenting Styles: 

Parenting techniques can have an impact on a child’s mental health. Authoritarian parenting, defined by rigorous punishment and minimal emotional support, can result in anxiety and low self-esteem. Permissive parenting with little boundaries, on the other hand, may result in behavioural issues.

Resilience and Coping methods: Effective parenting may provide children with resilience as well as healthy coping methods to help them through life’s challenges. In contrast, insufficient parenting can stymie the development of these critical skills, rendering children more vulnerable to mental health problems.

Interpersonal Relationships:

Interpersonal Relationships

The way that parents raise their children can affect how they view other people. Relationship formation in adulthood may be impacted by dysfunctional family dynamics or a dearth of positive role models, which may have an impact on mental health conditions like borderline personality disorder.

Stressors in the environment: A child’s exposure to stressors in the environment can be influenced by parenting. The likelihood that a kid will experience mental health problems might rise in response to stressful family circumstances, unstable financial situations, or exposure to traumatic experiences.

Intergenerational Patterns: 

Parenting and mental health disorders can be passed down across generations. Children who grow up in families with a history of mental health concerns may be predisposed to similar difficulties due to a mix of hereditary and environmental factors.

To summarise, the relationship between parenting and mental health illnesses is complex and diverse. Parenting practises, the parents’ mental health, heredity, modelling behaviour, attachment, and many other elements all interact to shape a child’s mental well-being. Recognising this dynamic is critical for parents, carers, and mental health professionals to help children build resilience and emotional stability. 

We can break the cycle of mental health difficulties within families and assist future generations’ well-being by promoting healthy parenting practises, early intervention where needed, and creating open dialogues about mental health.

5 Indispensable Tips To Help You Return To Work After Rehab

5 Indispensable Tips To Help You   To Work After Rehab

Before talking about the indispensable tips to help you return to work after rehabilitation, we need to know what rehabilitation is.

After an injury, sickness, or addiction, rehabilitation—often abbreviated as rehab—is a procedure that tries to enhance or restore a person’s physical, mental, or social functioning. Helping people regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and reintegrate into society is the aim of rehabilitation.

Important Elements of Rehabilitation

Here are some important elements of rehabilitation:

Medical Rehabilitation: The goal of this sort of rehabilitation is to improve physical mobility and function. It is frequently applied to those who have suffered from conditions including stroke, spinal cord damage, amputation, or musculoskeletal issues. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and other specialised therapies tailored to the needs of the individual may all be a part of medical rehabilitation.

Mental health rehabilitation: Mental health rehabilitation helps those who have mental diseases become well and integrate back into society. To address symptoms, develop coping mechanisms, and promote overall well-being, it combines therapy, counselling, pharmaceutical management, and psychosocial interventions. Inpatient or outpatient settings are both possible for the provision of mental health rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation for substance misuse or addiction: It places a strong emphasis on assisting patients in overcoming their reliance on drugs or alcohol. Usually, it entails a mix of counselling, behavioural therapies, support groups, and aftercare programmes in addition to medical detoxification. The objective is to attain and keep recovery while addressing the root causes of addiction.

Vocational Rehabilitation: Vocational rehabilitation programmes help people with disabilities or employment barriers get back to work or find a job. These initiatives offer career evaluations, job training, career counselling, and assistance with job placement. Enhancing people’s employability, independence, and financial security is the aim.


Social Rehabilitation: Social rehabilitation aims to enhance a person’s social abilities, interpersonal connections, and community integration. It could include social skill training, group or individual counselling, leisure pursuits, and assistance in creating a network of allies. Enhancing social functioning, reducing isolation, and enhancing general social well-being are the objectives.


Rehabilitation programmes frequently involve a multidisciplinary team of experts, including medical staff, therapists, counsellors, and social workers. Depending on the condition, requirements, and objectives of the individual, many types and lengths of rehabilitation may be used. The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to provide people with the tools they need to live happy, purposeful lives despite any obstacles they may encounter.

Why are people sent to rehabilitation?

People are committed to rehab for a variety of reasons, mostly because they abuse or are addicted to drugs or alcohol. The following are some typical justifications for sending somebody to rehab:

Substance Abuse: People who struggle with drug or alcohol abuse are frequently advised to enter rehab. It offers a structured setting where individuals can receive expert assistance in overcoming their addiction and discover coping skills to prevent relapse.

Addiction: For people with addiction, which is characterised by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences, rehab is an effective solution. It provides a safe environment in which people can address the root causes of their addiction and create long-term recovery plans.

Physical and Mental Health Issues: Due to the detrimental consequences of substance misuse on one’s physical and mental health, some people may be sent to rehab. To address these co-occurring disorders and offer complete therapy, rehab facilities frequently offer medical and psychiatric care.

Legal Repercussions: As part of their punishment for drug-related offences, some people are required to enter treatment. Programmes for addiction treatment can assist people in meeting legal obligations while also addressing the root causes of their substance dependence.


Family concerns and interventions: Families and friends may plan interventions to assist a loved one who is battling addiction. The intention is to persuade the person to voluntarily seek treatment. They can obtain treatment in a structured, encouraging setting during rehab.

Personal Motivation: While many people are forced into rehab by outside forces, some people may willingly decide to seek treatment after realising they need it. They can be aware of the bad effects their substance usage is having on their lives and wish to change for the better.


It’s crucial to remember that choosing whether to send someone to rehab should be based on their unique situation and professional advice. Rehab can be a useful first step towards recovery for those who are battling substance misuse or addiction because every person’s circumstances are different.


5 Indispensable Tips To Help You Return To Work After Rehab

After rehab is through, going back to work may be both exhilarating and difficult. Here are five crucial pointers to aid your successful transition:

Plan and Prepare: Before starting your new job, give yourself plenty of time to make plans and become ready. Review your job duties, company rules, and any modifications that might have taken place while you were away. Discuss your return with your employer or manager, and any adjustments or support you might require. To keep up your rehabilitation, develop a programme or regimen that includes self-care activities.

Create a Strong Support System: Surround yourself with people who can encourage and direct you and who have a thorough understanding of your journey. This can include a therapist, family members, close friends, or support groups. Share information regarding your recovery process with your valued coworkers or supervisor so they can offer help and understanding as well.


Effective communication: It is essential while returning to work following rehabilitation. Discuss your rehabilitation process and any potential difficulties you may encounter with your supervisor or the human resources division if you feel comfortable doing so. Talk about any modifications or accommodations that may be required at the workplace to ensure your successful return. Although you should always respect others’ privacy, sharing information with the correct individuals can help foster a positive environment.

Set Boundaries: Prioritise your well-being and create boundaries to protect your sobriety. Recognise your limitations and express them clearly. This may entail respectfully asking coworkers not to broach specific subjects that might upset you or declining invitations to work-related social activities that include alcohol or other triggers. Maintaining your health is essential for long-term recovery.


Put Self-Care First: When going back to work following rehabilitation, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Make self-care practises like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and enough sleep a priority. Take part in stress-relieving activities such as mindfulness exercises, meditation, or enjoyable hobbies. It’s crucial to control your tension and stay away from overextending yourself during the transition.

Do not forget that going back to work after rehab is an important accomplishment. Be patient with the procedure and give yourself time to acclimatise. Celebrate your accomplishments and ask for assistance when necessary.

5 Signs You Need To Seek Help for Addiction

5 Signs You Need To Seek Help for Addiction

What is addiction?

Compulsive and irresistible use of a substance or behaviour despite negative effects characterises addiction, a chronic and complicated disorder. Physical and psychological reliance on the substance or behaviour is frequently present along with it.

Addiction in the context of substance abuse refers to the obsessive use of drugs or alcohol in spite of negative effects on relationships, relationships with others, and general functioning. Alcohol, nicotine, opioids, stimulants, and other substances can all cause addiction.

Compulsive participation in activities like gambling, gaming, internet use, shopping, or sex is a sign of a behavioural addiction and can have a detrimental effect on a person’s life and wellbeing.

Combinations of genetic, biochemical, psychological, and environmental elements are frequently involved in addiction. Long-term substance use or the practise of particular behaviours can alter the brain’s reward system, weakening judgement, decision-making, and impulse control.

Common signs and symptoms of addiction

Some common signs and symptoms of addiction are as follows:

Loss of control: The inability to manage one’s addicted behaviour despite attempts to cease or minimise substance use.

Cravings: Constant, strong cravings to use the substance or engage in the addictive behaviour.

Tolerance: Requiring higher doses of the chemical or more frequent behaviour to have the intended effect.

Experiencing physical or psychological symptoms when trying to stop using drugs or alcohol or engaging in the behaviour.

Neglecting obligations and relationships: Giving the drug or behaviour more importance than duties like employment, school, family responsibilities, or social engagements.

Persisting in substance use or behaviour despite bad repercussions on one’s health, relationships, finances, or legal troubles is known as continued use despite consequences.

The fact that addiction is a treatable disorder and that recovery is achievable with the appropriate support, care, and resources should not be overlooked. In order to treat addiction and encourage long-term recovery, seeking professional assistance from healthcare experts, addiction specialists, therapists, or support groups can be extremely important.

How to get rid of addiction?

Addiction recovery is a difficult process that frequently calls for continuing support and expert assistance. Here are some general steps that can be useful while the precise strategy may change based on the person and the type of addiction:

Recognise and Acknowledge the Issue: The initial step in overcoming addiction is to understand and acknowledge that there is an issue. The first step is to acknowledge that addiction has taken over your life and that you need treatment.

Seek Professional Assistance: Speak with therapists, addiction specialists, or other healthcare professionals who can offer direction and support. They can assist in determining the extent of the addiction, creating a personalised treatment plan, and putting you in touch with the right support systems.

Detoxification: To properly manage withdrawal symptoms and address the physical dependence on the substance, a detoxification process under medical supervision may be required for substance addictions. Normally, this procedure is carried out in a specialised setting or with the assistance of medical personnel.


Therapy and counselling: Attend sessions to address the root causes of your addiction and develop coping mechanisms to deal with cravings, triggers, and relapse. Recovery can be supported by a variety of therapeutic modalities, including group therapy, motivational interviewing, and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).


Join support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) : You can also join Narcotics Anonymous (NA), or other organisations that help people recover from addiction. These groups offer a helpful network of people dealing with comparable difficulties as well as direction, inspiration, and responsibility.

Lifestyle Modifications: Focus on your physical and emotional well-being by adopting a healthy lifestyle. This includes healthy food, regular exercise, enough sleep, and stress-reduction strategies like mindfulness or meditation. Making improvements to your surroundings and social network might also aid in your recuperation.

Create a Strong Support Network: Surround yourself with family, friends, or mentors who are aware of your path and can offer you encouragement. Avoid harmful influences and look for relationships that are supportive of your recovery.

Relapse Prevention: Create a relapse prevention strategy that addresses how to manage stress, deal with cravings, and avoid triggers. Relapse can be avoided by recognising high-risk situations and putting alternate coping strategies in place.

Keep in mind that recovering from addiction is a personal journey that may require time and effort. Be kind to yourself, acknowledge little accomplishments, and ask for assistance when necessary. It’s crucial to know that rehabilitation is a continuous process and that keeping sobriety calls for continuing dedication and assistance.

5 Signs You Need To Seek Help for Addiction

One of the most important steps in overcoming addiction is admitting that you need help and asking for it. Here are five indicators that it might be time to get addiction treatment:

Loss of regulate: Addiction may be present if you find it increasingly difficult to limit or regulate your substance usage. This may show up as futile efforts to reduce or stop usage, ongoing desires, or an inability to stop using despite unpleasant effects.



Neglecting Relationships and Responsibilities: Addiction frequently causes people to overlook significant relationships and duties. It may be a sign that addiction is having a detrimental impact on your life if you frequently miss work, ignore family or social duties, or experience strained relationships as a result of substance use.

Health Problems and Decline: Substance misuse can have a negative impact on one’s physical and mental health. It may be a sign that addiction is having a negative impact on your health if you frequently become sick, experience mood swings, anxiety, sadness, or other mental health issues.

Financial Issues: Because of the high cost of narcotics or unwise financial decisions influenced by substance use, addiction can result in financial instability. Seeking assistance is crucial if you are having trouble with your finances, borrowing money, or dealing with legal problems due to drug misuse.

Failed Efforts to Quit: If you’ve made repeated attempts to cut back on your substance usage without success, it may be a sign that your addiction needs expert help. Relapse patterns or an inability to sustain abstinence on your own are common signs that you need professional assistance.


Keep in mind that each person’s experience with addiction is unique, and these indications may change based on the person and the substance used. Reaching out to a medical expert, an addiction counsellor, or a support group can help you or someone you know find the right treatment options if you or they exhibit any of these symptoms.

What You Don’t Know About Addiction and Addiction Treatment

What You Don’t Know About Addiction and Addiction Treatment

Addiction is a complicated problem that impacts people and communities all around the world. Addiction is a long-lasting, relapsing disorder marked by compulsive drug or substance usage, even when doing so has negative effects. It is frequently linked to behaviours like gambling or gaming, as well as the physical and psychological reliance on drugs and alcohol, opioids, cocaine, and methamphetamine.

Addiction’s key characteristics

Compulsion: Addicts feel a strong urge or compulsion to use the addictive behaviour or drug, which frequently results in a lack of control over their actions.

Loss of control: Even when they want to, addicts find it difficult to control their drug usage or other addictive behaviours. Addiction is characterised by this loss of control.

Consequences: Substance abuse can have several unfavourable effects, including harm to one’s bodily and mental health, strained relationships, issues at work or in school, difficulties getting by financially, and legal troubles.

Tolerance and withdrawal: People with addiction may gradually acquire tolerance, requiring higher doses of the drug or more of the behaviour to get the same impact. Withdrawal symptoms may appear when substance usage is abruptly reduced or discontinued, feeding the addiction cycle.


It’s crucial to know that addiction is not just the result of poor willpower or moral depravity. It is a complicated disorder affected by several neurological, environmental, and hereditary elements. A multifaceted approach to addiction treatment frequently entails interventions in the medical, psychological, and social spheres.

Addiction treatment

Detoxification (for substance dependence), counselling (like cognitive-behavioural therapy or motivational interviewing), support groups (like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous), medication-assisted treatment, ongoing aftercare, and relapse prevention techniques are all components of effective addiction treatment.

It is strongly advised that you get professional assistance from healthcare practitioners, addiction specialists, or treatment facilities if you or someone you know is battling with addiction. To help with recovery, they can offer a personalised treatment plan and support.

To promote long-term recovery and improved quality of life, addiction treatment tries to assist patients in overcoming substance use disorders and compulsive behaviours.

Some typical methods and elements of addiction treatment

Following are some typical methods and elements of addiction treatment:

Assessment and diagnosis: The treatment process often starts with a thorough evaluation by healthcare specialists to gauge the degree of addiction, spot any co-occurring disorders, and create a treatment plan that takes all of this into account.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Especially for opioid, alcohol, and nicotine addictions, medications can be utilised as part of a thorough treatment plan. Methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, or acamprosate are a few drugs that can aid with craving control, withdrawal symptoms reduction, and long-term rehabilitation.

Treatment for people with dual diagnoses: Many people with addiction also have co-occurring mental health issues. For positive results, an integrated treatment that simultaneously treats addiction and mental health issues is essential. This could entail specialised treatment modalities, pharmaceutical management, and individual or group therapy.

Holistic strategies: Alternative and complementary therapies can enhance conventional medical procedures. Yoga, meditation, art therapy, equine therapy, fitness regimens, nutrition advice, and mindfulness exercises are a few examples. These methods emphasized the person’s general well-being and may aid in their recovery.

As addiction affects not only the addict but also their loved ones, involving the family in the healing process can be helpful. Family counselling or educational initiatives can help families communicate better, set up healthy boundaries, and offer support for the healing process.


Individualised Treatment Plans: Addiction treatment that works is adapted to the particular requirements of each patient. The kind and intensity of the addiction, co-occurring disorders, personal preferences, cultural considerations, and support systems should all be taken into account in the treatment plans.

Lesser known facts about addiction and its treatment

Even though there is a lot of material on addiction and addiction treatment, the following lesser-known details may be instructive to you:

Addiction affects the reward, motivation, memory, and impulse control-related regions of the brain: It is resulting in structural and functional alterations. It is more than just a moral failure or a lack of willpower.

Environmental and genetic variables interact: Addiction is influenced by both hereditary and environmental factors. Genetic vulnerabilities may make certain people more prone to addiction, while environmental variables like trauma, stress, and parenting may also raise the risk.

Co-occurring disorders are frequent: Many people with addiction also have co-occurring mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). To effectively treat addiction, these underlying problems must also be addressed.

Individualised care should be provided: The treatment of addiction does not have a one-size-fits-all strategy. Effective treatment programmes take into account each patient’s needs, preferences, and particular substances or behaviours at issue. The likelihood of success is increased when care is personalised for each patient.

Recovery is a lifelong journey: This is because addiction is a chronic illness that needs continuing care and support. Although early intervention can be essential in ending the cycle of addiction, sustained recovery frequently entails continuous therapy, support groups, and lifestyle adjustments.

Medication can help in recovery: Medication can be very important in the treatment of addiction. They can lessen cravings, control withdrawal symptoms, and maintain healthy brain chemistry. For opioid and alcohol addictions, medication-assisted therapy (MAT) is particularly successful.

Relapse is typical during the healing process and should be viewed as an opportunity to learn and modify the treatment strategy rather than as a sign of failure. After a setback, it’s critical to offer nonjudgmental support and motivate patients to rejoin treatment.

Support systems are essential: For those going through recovery, having a solid support network is essential. Friends, family, support groups, and therapists are all possible sources of help. Positive relationships and social support can deter relapse and offer continual encouragement.

Holistic strategies are advantageous: This is advantageous since treating addiction entails more than just taking care of the physical symptoms. Approaches that take the mind, body, and spirit into account can be fruitful. This could be a component of an all-encompassing therapy plan and could involve practices like yoga, meditation, exercise, and nutrition.

Despite advancements, addiction still has a heavy stigma: It results in prejudice and treatment hurdles. Fighting stigma, advancing information, and encouraging people to get help without feeling ashamed or judged are all crucial.

Although addiction is a complicated problem, it is vital to remember that these ideas give a broad picture. A more thorough explanation of addiction and addiction treatment can be obtained by speaking with medical professionals and addiction specialists.


The Surprising Ways Addiction is Linked to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

What is addiction?

Addiction is a chronic and complex condition characterised by compulsive and irresistible use of a substance or conduct despite negative repercussions. There is frequently also a physical and psychological dependence on the substance or habit.

In the context of substance abuse, addiction is the compulsive use of drugs or alcohol despite detrimental effects on personal connections, interpersonal interactions, and everyday functioning. Addictions can be brought on by alcohol, nicotine, opioids, stimulants, and other substances.

Gambling, gaming, buying, or engaging in sex compulsively are examples of behaviours that can be addictive and have a negative impact on a person’s life and wellbeing.

Addiction usually involves interactions between genetic, physiological, psychological, and environmental factors. The brain’s reward system can change as a result of prolonged substance use or the practise of specific behaviour, impairing judgement, decision-making, and impulse control.

What is SAD?

A kind of depression known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is characterised by recurrent episodes of depressive symptoms that happen throughout particular seasons, usually autumn and winter. It is frequently referred to as the winter blues or winter depression.

Crucial points about SAD

The following are some crucial SAD points:

SAD symptoms include feelings of sorrow, hopelessness, poor energy, losing interest in activities, changes in food and weight, difficulties concentrating, and an increased need for sleep. SAD symptoms also overlap with those of major depressive disorder. SAD symptoms, on the other hand, frequently cycle and are directly related to the changing of seasons.

Seasonal Patterns: The symptoms of SAD often develop and disappear at the same time every year. The majority of the time, symptoms begin in the late autumn or early winter and go away in the spring or summer. A less frequent type of SAD, referred to as summer SAD, manifests symptoms throughout the summer.

Reduced Sunlight: It is thought that reduced sunlight exposure during the autumn and winter months is a major factor in the development of SAD. The body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm) and serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that affects mood, can both be affected by the reduction in sunlight.

Geographical Factors: SAD is more common in places farther from the equator when the winter daylight hours are shorter. People who live in northern latitudes can be more prone to getting SAD. But SAD can also happen in drier environments.


Chance factors: Some variables, such as a family history of SAD or other mood disorders, a personal history of depression or bipolar disorder, being female (though SAD can also affect men), and younger age (usually starting in early adulthood), can raise the chance of getting SAD.


Treatment methods: There are numerous SAD treatment methods. Light therapy is a popular and successful treatment that involves being exposed to intense artificial light. It elevates mood and aids in clock regulation in the body. Antidepressant drugs, psychotherapy (such as cognitive-behavioral therapy), and lifestyle modifications (such as consistent exercise, eating a nutritious diet, and managing stress) are all potential additional treatments.

Difference from “Winter Blues”: SAD is not the same as the transient decline in mood and energy that many people feel during the winter. The “winter blues” are less severe and don’t fit the SAD diagnostic mould. SAD is a clinical disorder that has a big impact on day-to-day life and needs to be diagnosed and treated correctly.

It is suggested that you speak with a healthcare physician or mental health provider if you believe that you or someone you know may be suffering from SAD. They can carry out a complete assessment, provide a precise diagnosis, and suggest the best courses of action to reduce symptoms and enhance wellbeing.

The Surprising Ways Addiction is Linked to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Unexpected connections between addiction and SAD include the following:

Self-Medication: Some people with SAD may use drugs or addictive behaviours to help them deal with the depressive symptoms and the accompanying loss of energy and motivation. Particularly alcohol is frequently used as a form of self-medication to momentarily ease feelings of grief or worry.

Increased Substance Use: According to research, people with SAD may be more likely to engage in increased substance use throughout the winter. This may be the result of using drugs to cope with lethargy, social disengagement, or mental anguish, or it may be the result of seeking relief from SAD symptoms.

Seasonal Patterns in Substance usage: Research has revealed seasonal trends in some types of substance usage. For instance, there is proof that alcohol use rises throughout the winter, perhaps as a result of holiday celebrations or a desire to lift one’s spirits. Recognising these trends can aid in pinpointing the influence of the seasons on addiction.

Shared Risk Factors: SAD and addiction may be at risk for the same conditions, which include genetics, the environment, and a family history of mental illnesses. The greater susceptibility of people to both illnesses may be a result of these common risk factors.

Sleep Pattern Disruption: Addiction and SAD both have the potential to cause sleep disruption. Addiction can result in sleep problems and insomnia, whereas SAD may induce excessive tiredness and difficulties waking up in the morning. These sleep-related problems may make either condition’s symptoms worse.

Cross-over Symptoms: SAD and addiction can experience some of the same symptoms, including changes in appetite, fatigue, a lack of desire, and social disengagement. These overlapping symptoms might make it difficult to distinguish between the two ailments, which could lead to a delayed or incorrect diagnosis.

Treatment considerations: It is critical to treat people who have both addiction and co-occurring SAD at the same time. If one is treated without taking the other into account, recovery may be incomplete or relapse risk may be enhanced.

Although there may be links between addiction and SAD, it is important to remember that not everyone who has SAD will also become addicted. Additionally, the precise relationships may differ from person to person. It is advised that you get professional assistance from medical personnel or mental health experts if you or someone you know is battling addiction or SAD. They are able to offer suitable diagnoses, treatments, and support that are adapted to each person’s

Hopecare is a renowned psychiatric center led by Dr. Deepak Raheja. Its main goal is to help individuals and families who are struggling with mental health issues, providing them with comprehensive treatment and rehabilitation services. The center is dedicated to restoring hope and well-being in people’s lives.

At Hope Care, they strive to be a leader in the field of mental health by introducing innovative programs in treatment, care, and education. Their aim is to set new standards and benchmarks that others can follow. The center is committed to providing effective and holistic support to those in need, helping them overcome their challenges and live fulfilling lives.

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What is the most effective treatment for borderline personality disorder

What is the most effective treatment for borderline personality disorder?

What is borderline personality disorder (BPD)

 The mental health condition known as borderline personality disorder (BPD) is characterized by impulsivity, interpersonal relationship instability, and extreme mood swings.

People with BPD have a severe fear of abandonment and have trouble controlling their emotions, especially anger. Additionally, they frequently engage in risky and impulsive behaviors like reckless driving and making threats to self-harm. It is challenging for them to maintain relationships due to these behaviors.

One of the “Cluster B” personality disorders, characterized by dramatic and erratic behaviors, is a borderline personality disorder.

Many people who have borderline personality disorder are unaware of their condition and may not be aware that there are better ways to act and interact with others.

Who is affected by borderline personality disorder

Most personality disorders start in adolescence when your personality is still growing and developing. Because of this, almost everyone with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is older than 18.

Although anyone can develop BPD, those who are more likely to do so are those with a family history of the disorder. Those who experience other mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, or eating disorders, are also more vulnerable.


borderline personality disorder
How common is a borderline personality disorder

It is relatively uncommon to have a borderline personality disorder. BPD affects about 1.4% of the adult population. The prevalence of borderline personality disorder is approximately 7 per 1000 people in India. 

What are the signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder (BPD)

Borderline personality disorder signs and symptoms typically appear in late adolescence or early adulthood. An upsetting or stressful situation can bring on symptoms or exacerbate them. Symptoms usually get better with time and sometimes even disappear entirely.

The following symptoms, which can be present in any combination, can range in severity from very mild to manageable:

Fear of abandonment: People with BPD frequently experience anxiety when left alone. People with BPD experience extreme fear or rage when they believe they are being neglected or abandoned. They might find out where their loved ones are or prevent them from leaving. They might also push people away to avoid rejection before getting too close.

Unstable, intense relationships: Because they have a propensity to drastically and abruptly alter their perceptions of others, people with BPD find it challenging to maintain healthy interpersonal relationships. They are capable of switching quickly between idealizing and undervaluing other people. Their marriages, friendships, and family ties are frequently tumultuous and unstable.

Unstable self-perception or self-identity: People with BPD frequently have a skewed or unclear view of themselves, often feel guilty or ashamed, and frequently perceive themselves as “bad.” Additionally, they might dramatically and abruptly alter their goals, viewpoints, careers, or social circles. They often obstruct their advancement. For instance, they might purposefully fail a test, end relationships, or lose their jobs.

Rapid mood changes: People with BPD may go through abrupt changes in how they feel about themselves, other people, and the outside world. Irrational feelings can be uncontrollable anger, fear, anxiety, hatred, sadness, and even love. These feelings can also change abruptly and frequently. These swings rarely last longer than a few days and typically only last a few hours.

Impulsive and dangerous behavior: People with BPD frequently experience episodes of reckless driving, fighting, gambling, substance use, binge eating, and/or unsafe sexual activity.

Repeated self-harm or suicidal behavior: Those who suffer from BPD may cut, burn, hurt themselves, or threaten to do so. They might even contemplate suicide. These self-destructive behaviors are typically brought on by being rejected by, potentially being abandoned by, or being let down by a caregiver or lover.

Persistent feelings of emptiness: Many BPD sufferers feel depressed, bored, unfulfilled, or “empty”.  Self-hatred and feelings of worthlessness are also frequent.

Anger management issues: People with BPD frequently experience intense anger and struggle to control it. They might use biting sarcasm, bitterness, or angry outbursts to vent their rage. Shame and guilt often follow these episodes.

Temporary paranoid thoughts: Extreme stress, typically the fear of abandonment, can cause dissociative episodes, paranoid thoughts, and occasionally hallucinations.

These symptoms are frequently transient and not severe enough to be categorised as a distinct disorder.

These symptoms are not present in every person with a borderline personality disorder. Each person has different intensity, frequency, and duration of symptoms.

How is borderline personality disorder treated

BPD has historically been difficult to treat. But many people with borderline personality disorder now benefit from more recent, evidence-based treatments that reduce their symptoms and make them less severe while improving their functioning and quality of life. However, effective treatment needs persistence, tolerance, and commitment. Both medications and talk therapy are possible forms of treatment.

Other mental health conditions that people living with borderline personality disorder frequently have include:

They will also require treatment for any co-existing conditions.


Types of therapy that can help treat BPD include:

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): This kind of therapy was created specifically for those with BPD. DBT focuses on teaching you to learn to change your life and accept the reality of your life and behaviors. It teaches you how to manage your strong emotions better, reduce destructive behaviors, and enhance your relationships.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): This kind of therapy is structured and goal-oriented. You’ll learn how your thoughts impact your behavior. You can unlearn harmful behaviors and thought patterns through CBT and learn to think more positively.

Group therapy:  This particular form of psychotherapy involves a group of people coming together to describe and talk about their issues under the guidance of a therapist or psychologist. People with BPD might find communicating clearly and interacting with others easier.

Psychotherapy treatment for BPD

The preferred treatment method for borderline personality disorder is psychotherapy (talk therapy). The purpose of treatment is to assist you in discovering the fears and motivations underlying your thoughts and behavior, as well as to assist you in developing more positive interpersonal relationships.

It’s important to remember that borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a medical issue. As with all mental health issues, seeking assistance as soon as symptoms manifest can lessen the impact on daily life. Plans for treatment that can assist BPD sufferers in controlling their thoughts and behaviors are available from mental health professionals.

Stress, depression, grief, and isolation are common among the loved ones of people with a borderline personality disorder. Additionally, looking after your mental health and getting assistance if you’re exhibiting these symptoms is critical.

For treatment, contact Hope Care India TODAY! 


How to help people with drug addiction

How to help people with drug addiction

Without knowledge of the symptoms of addiction, it can be challenging to recognize a drug addiction or alcohol use disorder. Drug usage symptoms can be physical, behavioral, or psychological, and substance use disorders can alter how people look, act, and feel.

Not everyone who uses drugs or alcohol also struggles with substance abuse. Awareness of the warning signs and symptoms of drug addiction is the first step in seeking assistance.

The good news for worried family members and friends is that many addictive traits are simple to spot, and many different chemical addictions exhibit similar signs and symptoms. If someone is aware of the signs of addiction, they could be able to support a friend or relative who is battling this illness.

How to help people with drug addiction
Signs of Drug Addiction

Numerous physical indications of substance abuse may be seen in someone who abuses alcohol or drugs. Some symptoms could be instantly apparent, while others can be easily concealed or manifest as slow changes.

Some physical signs of drug use are:

  • Seizures Or Tremors
  • Loss Of Coordination In The Body
  • Extreme Lethargy
  • Chemical Breath Or Clothing Odor
  • Wet Or Swollen Eyes
  • Weight Fluctuations Changes In Appetite And Eating Patterns
  • Tension In The Jaw
  • Abnormal Sleeping Habits Or Trouble Falling Asleep
  • Skin Imperfections Poor Personal Hygiene
  • Behavioral Indices Of Drug Abuse

Behavioral warning signs 

  • Decreased Attendance And Decreased Performance At Work Or School
  • Unexpected Financial Difficulties; Theft Or Borrowing
  • Acting Shadily Or In A Suspicious Manner
  • Friends, Favorite Hangouts, And Hobbies Suddenly Alter
  • Getting Into Trouble A Lot (Fights, Accidents, Illegal Activities)
Psychological warning signs 
  • Unexpected Personality Or Attitude Changes
  • Sudden Mood Changes, Irritation, Or Explosive Anger
  • Periods Of Exceptional Agitation, Hyperactivity, Or Giddiness
  • Lack Of Drive; Looks Drowsy Or “Spaced Out”
  • Appears Frightened, Nervous, Or Suspicious
When a loved one struggles with drug use

Here are some things you can do if you think a friend or family member has a drug problem:

Speak up. Without passing judgment, express your worries to the person and give your assistance and support. It is best to cure addiction as soon as possible. Don’t wait till your loved one reaches their lowest point! 

Take care of yourself. Avoid putting oneself under challenging circumstances. Avoid becoming preoccupied with someone else’s drug use to the point where you forget about your own needs. Ensure that you have someone you can confide in and who you can rely on for assistance.

Avoid self-blame. You can help someone with a substance addiction problem and encourage them to seek treatment, but you can’t make an addict change. You can’t control your loved one’s decisions. The first step in recovery is letting the person take ownership of their behavior.

Addiction Treatment Options

How to help people with drug addiction

Addictions to drugs, CBD and alcohol are diseases, yet they are curable. Drug and alcohol detox clinics, outpatient centers, and full-service rehab institutions like Hope Care India all provide addiction therapy.

Individual counseling and clinical care, two essential elements of most rehab programs, are a mix of therapies ideal for treating substance use disorders.

You can call Hope Care India for assistance if you or a loved one needs drug or alcohol use disorder treatment. Representatives will take your call, address your questions regarding addiction and treatment, and direct you to a facility that will match your needs. 

To begin receiving comprehensive treatment for a substance use disorder, contact HOPE CARE INDIA TODAY! 


How does Trauma Affect the Brain?

How does Trauma Affect the Brain?

Research says that 69 million people (95% CI 64-74 million) experience a traumatic brain injury yearly. It demonstrates how crucial it is to raise awareness of brain injury. The brain governs every action we take, from taking a breath to exhaling it. 

Therefore, understanding TBI is essential to maintaining our brain’s stress-free and healthy state.

This article has demonstrated how brain trauma alters, its resulting alterations, and the healing process.

How does Trauma Affect the Brain

How Does the Brain Change Its Response After Trauma?

Brain trauma can occur from various events, including sexual assault, vehicular accidents, natural catastrophes, marital violence, and child abuse. As a result, they experience continuous flashbacks in the brain and the cell repeatedly records them.

The brain includes Three main parts that change their way of working after brain trauma.

  • Amygdala:

How does Trauma Affect the Brain

 The amygdala serves as the brain’s central processing unit for threatening and frightened inputs.

The amygdala becomes overactive after brain trauma. People who have experienced emotional brain trauma display more anxiety about traumatic situations than others.

  • Hippocampus: 

The hippocampus is crucial for memory retention and learning. Studies have indicated that it is impacted by several neurological and mental conditions, including brain trauma.

The hippocampus becomes less active after brain trauma. At that point, the brain is unable to distinguish between the real traumatic experience and the recollection of it. Things that bring back memories of traumatic situations are interpreted as threats by it.

  • Prefrontal Cortex:

 The prefrontal cortex plays a central role in cognitive control functions like influencing attention, impulse inhibition, prospective memory, and cognitive flexibility. After brain trauma, the prefrontal cortex becomes suppressed and you’re less capable of controlling your fear. Hence, stuck in a purely reactive state.

Changes in the Daily life of a Traumatic Person 

A life with any brain disorder is challenging. Our brain goes through several changes causing stress, depression as well as anxiety

You could feel exhausted when your brain is exerting so much energy to defend you from external threats. It can be challenging to gather the energy necessary for everyday obligations or self-care tasks. As a result, brain-injured individuals are never motivated.

Also, the person puts a strain on communication as the brain cannot function well. The other hurdles in the life of a Traumatic person are: 

  • Getting trouble making decisions.
  • Unable to Concentre, think, or learn.
  • Panic Attacks.
  • Always feel anxiety or irritation.
  • Getting nightmares or flashbacks.
  • Unable to memorize things.

Process of Healing

Our brains are very flexible. Neuroplasticity, or the brain’s capacity to create new connections, explains how we can rewire our brains to undo the negative consequences of brain trauma.

Even though recovering from brain trauma is a challenging process, you are altering the way your brain functions by creating new neural pathways, expanding the capabilities of specific regions, and solidifying connections. The same mechanism enables us to develop and change as a result of learning.

You can rewire and retrain your brain to counteract the consequences of brain trauma while recuperating. You can recover from brain trauma with support and therapeutic techniques over time.

Top 5 most common mental disorders

Top 5 most common mental disorders 

A mental disorder is an illness that affects your whole life, thinking, feeling, mood, and behavior. It may be occasional or chronic. Mental disorders may be of different types like depression, eating disorder, personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, and psychotic disorder. However, staying happy is the best way to cure any disease.

Wanna know about some common mental disorders? Below you will find a detailed overview of the most common mental illness.


Nowadays hundreds of millions of people get impacted by depression. It is a mental disorder that mostly affects women as compared to men. As the psychiatrist says, about 16.6% of the adult population goes through depression at some point in their life. 

It can be seen by loss of interest or pleasure, feeling of guilt, eating pattern changes, difficulty falling asleep, general sadness, lack of concentration, and exhaustion. To cure the effect of depression in some cases psychotherapy, cognitive behavior therapy, and antidepressant medication will be helpful. 

Top 5 most common mental disorders 

In the mental disorder categories, anxiety is the most common mental disorder. About 40 million adults aged 18 and older are going through anxiety. It is a blanket term that includes a host of specific disorders which include.

  • Obsessed completive disorder (OCD)
  •  Social anxiety disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) 

Physiotherapy at home and medication will help to overcome the symptoms of anxiety. About 36.9 percent of people can seek out treatment and ultimately access it.


Dementia has an impact on about 50 million people. It is generally chronic or progression in nature and entails deterioration of cognitive function beyond normal aging. Dementia slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and eventually strips the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. 

A person which is suffering from dementia may experience a decline in their cognitive abilities. Other types of dementia are: 

  • Huntington’s disease
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • Wernicke korsakoff syndrome
  • Frontotemporal dementia

Top 5 most common mental disorders 

Mood disorder 

It is normal to have a mood swing from time to time but people who suffer from mood disorders get more persistent and disrupt their daily lives. In this disorder, people may suffer the feeling of hopelessness, anxiety, empty mood, ongoing sadness, excessive guilt, and low self-esteem. Antidepressants and self-care will help to treat mood disorders. The most common type of mood disorders are:

  • Bipolar disorder
  • Substance-induced mood disorder
  • Major depression
  • Dysthymia 

Eating disorder

An eating disorder is a serious condition that relates to your emotion, your ability to function in important areas of life, and persistent eating behavior that negatively impacts your health.

The wrong signs of an eating disorder are preoccupation with body image, changes in exercise patterns, mood fluctuation, alteration in weight, and many more. The common eating disorder is as follows:

  • Bulimia nervosa
  • Anorexia nervosa 
  • Binge-eating disorder 

Counselling, proper diet, meditation, and a normal amount of exercise is the treatment for eating disorders. The occurrence of an eating disorder is not clear.

Is anyone from your family or anyone you know suffering from a mental disorder? Get in touch with the experienced doctors and medical staff at Hope Care India and get them the treatment they need as soon as possible. 


How to cope up from the divorce

The pains of separation and longing for love are not easy to conquer. To emotionally recover from a divorce is a time taking process which cannot be skipped, acceptance of the reality and being brave isn’t easy to achieve but not impossible. Divorce can turn a person’s life upside down. But losing hope is not an option.  In these uncertain times, remember the ultimate truth of life that loving yourself first is more important. Easier said than done, but our lives are too long and precious to be spent in regret and being unsure of the future. Let your past actions be your answers every time you question your decisions. Loving yourself is one of the many ways to deal with separation anxiety that comes with divorce.

Here are some of the coping strategies advised by the best relationship counselor in Noida city, Dr. Swati, that you can make use of to alleviate grief :

It’s normal to experience mood swings

Even if the marriage was a disaster, stepping out of it and into the unknown all alone can be terrifying. Feeling sad, angry, tired, irritated,  confused, oblivious and insecure are common, and they can be overwhelming at times. You may still be concerned about the future. Accept that such responses will fade away with time.

Take a break and breathe

Allow yourself to feel and work in a less-than-ideal manner for a period of time. Sometimes doing the bare minimum is doing a lot for the peace of your mind. For a while, you may not be able to be as productive at work or you may not care for others in the same way that you used to. Take time to heal, refresh, regroup, and restore; no one is perfect and brave as a superhero in this world. Try breathing in the positive energy this world has to offer and catch a break into the arms of nature.

Recognizing that you are not in this alone.

Sharing your inner emotions with your friends and family will assist you in getting through these tough times. Consider joining a support group where you can express and speak to people who have been through such similar experiences. Isolating yourself can increase tension, decrease focus, and interfere with work life, relationships, and overall health. If you need assistance, don’t be afraid to seek it from a relationship counselor or psychological counselor.


Take care of yourself and your body. Extract time from your every day to exercise, yoga, eat healthy and unwind. Along with this maintain as much of your daily routine as possible. Try not to make big life choices at this time. Avoid the usage of alcohol, any sort of drugs, or cigarettes to cope; they’ll only make the situation worse.

Have a positive approach to life.

Your life might not be the same as earlier, but exploring new interests and friends, as well as going forward with realistic goals, will help you triumph separation anxiety and get through this transition. Be adaptable and accept changes in lifestyle. Family traditions will still be relevant if you have children, but some of them will need to be changed. Assist in the development of new family events.

Reassure and listen

Ascertain that your children understand that your divorce is not their fault. Be compassionate yet direct in your answers, and listen to and alleviate their concerns. Make yourself and your kids adjusted to the new ‘normal’ though it may not be easy and different from earlier.

Talk it out

Seeking professional help is no matter of shame. Coping with separation anxiety is a tough and time taking process that can become easier with the help of a psychologist.

De-Addiction Treatment


Certain substances such as alcohol, opioids, inhalants, tobacco, etc, can change the mood and behavior of a person. Some use these substances occasionally for recreational purposes whereas some use these excessively. The use of these substances frequently and excessively can lead to a substantial impairment. It can affect one’s personal, professional, and social life. 

This unusual behavior is not only limited to substance use but also gambling, gaming, shopping, and exploring the internet. Also known as ‘Substance Use Disorder’ and ‘Addictive Disorder’, it can interfere and hinder one’s ability to function optimally. This additive disorder can begin in early age groups and is extremely common in individuals aged between 18-24 years. 

Frequent drug use can cause changes in the structure and chemistry of the brain. The drug injected into the body interacts with the limbic system of the brain and produces feelings of pleasure in the brain. As the use of drugs produces positive effects of an individual, he/she is more likely to repeat this behavior in the future. 

Other reasons such as genetic factors (family history of substance use) and environmental factors (easy availability of drugs) also play a role in the development of drug dependence. 

You should visit a psychiatrist if you or loved ones are engaged in the frequent use of drugs. A psychiatrist can help you overcome your addiction and improve your quality of life. Dr. Swati Mittal is a known psychiatrist who has years of experience in de-addiction treatment. She believes that with the right help, one can overcome addiction easily.


What are the signs of addiction? 

  • Increased indulgence in substance
  • Inability to cut down or quit substance use
  • Inability to function optimally and getting distracted by substance
  • Intense craving 
  • Inability to perform tasks
  • Inability to stop substance use despite interpersonal problems
  • Losing interest in social events
  • Inability to quit despite physical and psychological problems
  • Feeling of withdrawal when not using the substance 
  • Behavioral changes

What is the treatment for De-Addiction?

The treatment is largely dependent on the severity of substance use. The approach for treatment varies from individual to individual. The treatment may include medication, therapy, and outpatient treatment. In more several cases, admission into a rehabilitation center may be required.

Psychiatrist Suggests Top 5 Practices To Beat Insomnia

As lifestyle has become more fast-paced and urbanized, there has been a rise in insomnia and poor sleeping habits. This results in a prolonged feeling of tiredness and lethargy. While people tend to dismiss abnormal sleeping patterns, terming them as insignificant, they turn into chronic disease in no time and begin to take a serious toll on the physical and mental well-being of those who are affected. It will be easier to cope with insomnia the earlier you begin to deal with it. 

insomnia and poor sleeping habits

How Common Is Insomnia? 

Insomnia is very common, and studies have reported an occurrence of approximately 1 crore cases every year in India. Considering the health implications and poor awareness, there is a need to sensitize physicians and increase awareness among the public.

How To Beat Your Insomnia? 

Insomnia could be frustrating as it not only makes it difficult to sleep but also comes with an added anxiety of not being able to sleep, which therefore makes it even harder to fall asleep. However, it is possible to beat your insomnia by making a few alterations to your lifestyle. The following tips by psychiatrists will come in handy, making it possible for you to sleep better. 

  • Follow the same sleep schedule everyday and avoid taking naps. You may get the urge to extend your sleeping hours on the weekends, and a nap may tempt you every now and then, especially if your night’s sleep hasn’t been completed. However, it is necessary to wake up at the same time and limit your naps in order to beat insomnia. 
  • Limit activities in bed. Your bed is your comfort space, and when you turn it into a workplace or a space for you to study, chances of an increased alertness during bedtime also increase. Therefore, all other activities must be avoided to get rid of insomnia. 

Limit activities in bed

  • Eliminate alcohol and stimulants like nicotine and caffeine in order to ensure a restful sleep. The effects of caffeine can last upto an entire day, making it difficult for you to sleep. It may also cause frequent awakenings. Alcohol may have sedative effects initially, but after a few hours, it can lead to frequent arousals and non-restful night’s sleep. 
  • Reduce stress and get over with all your worries before going to bed. If you tend to self-reflect a lot, set aside another hour for it. Do not take your bedtime for granted. There are also countless relaxation therapies and stress reduction methods so as to relax the mind before going to bed. 
  • Avoid eating and drinking right before your bedtime. This activates the digestive system and keeps you up. Consuming fluids before going to bed can stimulate the bladder, preventing you from getting an undisturbed night’s sleep. 

See your doctor if you cannot get enough sleep. 

Where To Get The Best Treatment? 

HOPE CARE, the leading psychiatric center and mental wellness organization, is headed by Dr. Deepak Raheja, the best psychiatrist in Delhi. We at HOPE CARE recognize the mental stresses involved in modern day living and how they can hamper an individual’s sleeping pattern. With a team of well-experienced doctors and professionals, HOPE CARE strives to achieve the best for the well-being of their patients. 

Do not fight alone! Seek help, and book an appointment today!

Top 5 Myths About Mental Health

Several people battle with mental health disorders, either on an everyday basis, or have done so at some point in their lives. In the age of urbanization, where almost everyone is following a fast-paced lifestyle, mental health problems have become even more pertinent. However, in spite of so many people being affected by mental health disorders, there is still a lack of awareness and treatment options available, due to the stigma that is attached with concerns of the brain. This contributes to a lot of myths in the field of mental health. At HOPE CARE, we strive to create awareness and induce sensitivity and understanding in people dealing with mental health problems by busting the biggest misconceptions about mental illness

mental health problems

5 Myths About Mental Health 

  • Children do not experience mental health issues:

It is completely untrue that children do not battle with mental health issues. Even young children may experience and show early signs of mental health concerns. Research has in fact proven that half of mental health issues show initial signs before a person turns 14, and about three quarters of mental health concerns begin before the age 24. If this problem is acknowledged and appropriate treatment options are made available, mental health issues can be prevented from getting worse. 

  • People with mental health concerns are violent and dangerous, and it is best to keep them in confinement:

Someone with mental health issues is only as violent as any other person. In contrast to this myth, people with severe mental illnesses are 10 times more likely to be subjected to violence and hatred due to the stigma that prevails in the society we live in. This hatred surfaces in the form of confinement instead of making professional help available for these people. 

mental health concerns

  • People with mental health concerns are not well-suited for a regular job: 

This is an extremely regressive approach in perceiving those with mental health issues. Rather than striving to provide them with a more comfortable environment, the prevalence of this myth threatens to snatch away a level-playing field from people battling with mental health concerns. The fact is that people with mental health issues are just as productive as anyone else when they receive a healthy work environment, free from all prejudice. 

  • A moral flaw or a weak character causes mental illness. People with mental health issues only lack willpower:

Mental health problems have absolutely no connection to someone’s character. These are all stereotypes and gross generalizations, causing further hindrance to mental health awareness and treatment. People with mental health concerns actually need help to deal with them, as these are caused by several factors, such as family history of mental illness, physical health, biological factors, injury, brain chemistry, or life experiences which induce trauma. 

  • Therapy is a waste of time and money: 

It is about time that society gives an equal priority to mental and physical health. Therapy has indeed helped cure or manage mental health concerns and has been providing countless people with prolonged relief. 

mental and physical health therapy

Mental health disorders are complex and require professional help. It is not right to dismiss them as they can get severe. There are several factors involved which need to be carefully examined, and these can be ascertained only by a doctor. Seeking help at the earliest ensures a proper treatment for those battling with mental health concerns. 

Where To Seek Help? 

HOPE CARE is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental health concerns in modern day living. Dr. Deepak Raheja is the best psychiatrist in Delhi, and with his team of well qualified doctors at HOPE CARE, he seeks to help the society in areas of mental health and its treatment. They aim to completely annihilate from the minds of people the stigma attached to mental health by raising awareness around the issue. 

Book an appointment now!

The Importance Of Sleep When You Have A Mental Health Issue

Sleeping on time and getting a quality sleep is extremely important to your health and well-being. Sleep is also closely connected to your mental health, and a lack of sleep adversely impacts your psychological state. While it initially begins with irritation and perpetual insomnia, it could in no time turn to a severe case of insomnia, as people with mental health issues are more likely to suffer from insomnia. Keep reading to learn more about the relationship between sleep and mental health. 

How Does Sleep Affect Mental Health? 

Sleep conditions are a cause of certain psychiatric conditions, and a lack of sleep can also exacerbate the symptoms of several mental disorders. This is a complex relationship, where one thing impacts the other. While it is always advisable to seek the opinion of your doctor if you regularly face problems while falling or staying asleep, we will help you understand how sleep affects some mental health conditions. 

relationship between sleep and mental health

1. Stress And Anxiety:

Almost everyone nowadays is dealing with stress and anxiety as it has been taking a toll on every mind. A night of disruptive sleep or a lack of it can cause an enormous amount of chemical imbalance in your brain, due to which it gets difficult to even cope up with minor stress. Sleep deprivation causes tiredness, which results in an increased level of production of cortisol – the hormone that creates feelings of anxiety. This leads to more difficulty in dealing with day-to-day tasks, therefore making them all the more frustrating and leaving you more short-tempered. Getting enough sleep is important, but the stress of not being able to get enough sleep makes sleep deprivation even worse. It is thus necessary to consult your doctor if you face a recurring problem of sleep deprivation. 

2. Depression:


While insomnia and other sleeping disorders can be a result of depressions, recent research has implicated sleep deprivation in leading to depression. Those with sleeping disorders are twice at risk of developing depression than the general population. Research also suggests that treating insomnia at an early stage could prevent the onset of chronic depression. Therefore, it is important that you consult your doctor when you start noticing signs of insomnia.

3. ADHD:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is extremely common, and affects around 6% of children between the ages of 6-17 years. Studies show how 25-55% of children with ADHD experience sleep disturbances, and disruption to sleep or a lack of it is a major contributor or symptom of this condition, and can also increase the severity of ADHD. The treatment of ADHD also assesses current sleeping patterns and habits in order to address the underlying sleep problems, as children with ADHD tend to suffer from other sleeping problems, such as difficulty falling or staying asleep, difficulty waking, sleep breathing issues, night waking, and daytime sleepiness. 

4. Bipolar Disorder:

Bipolar disorder is characterized by alterations in mood, going from depressed to elevated in no time. Sleep problems, such as insomnia, irregular sleep-wake cycles, and nightmares are extremely common in those with bipolar disorder. Sleep changes can be a symptom of the condition, but sleep problems can also play a role in the course of the condition, treatment outcomes, and the individual’s overall quality of life.

This relationship between sleep and mental health is a complex and circular one, where the cause and the effect cannot be rigidly determined. Therefore, seeking expert opinion and taking professional help is the only way to tackle it.

Where To Seek Help? 

HOPE CARE is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental health concerns in modern day living. Dr. Deepak Raheja and his team of professionals are the best counsellors in Delhi, who aim to solve all concerns of mental health with the right approach and accurate diagnosis. He seeks to help the society in areas of mental health and its treatment. They aim to completely annihilate from the minds of people the stigma attached to mental health by raising awareness around the issue. 

For a detailed consultation, book an appointment today! 

How heroin addiction is ruining your life?

No one can predict that the one-time use of an illicit drug can change your entire life into something else. You must have never calculated what are the effects of heroin? Most often, people who indulge in drugs do so to be a part of a group due to mental stress, family upbringing, unwanted tensions, fallen economy, and plenty of other reasons. They think that using a drug once or two times will make them feel alive and will take them away from that tense lifestyle.

The use of heroin is one such temporary outlet of their situation, but here you will have an overview of the reality of heroin, what are the effects of heroin, and how it can change both your physical and mental well-being.

Heroin is a highly addictive substance, and even though anyone would claim that they would use the drug once or twice for their benefit, it cannot be so. You may never understand as to what are the effects of heroin entirely. Heroin has the potential to make even the functional users get obsessed with it.

What are the effects of heroin?

The physical health problems that you face with taking heroin daily-

Heroin can alter your life both in short-term effects as well as long-term. While taking heroin injections, you may get collapsed nerves, ulcers, abscesses and may even face death as its ultimate side effect. Loss of appetite and weight loss can be counted as the effects that heroin can cause on your body even with minimal usage. Sharing heroin needles increases your chances of acquiring HIV aids. People in this zone are more prone to kidney diseases, lung diseases as well as heart diseases; thereby, in short, heroin users will untimely end up in hospital beds making their life and organs highly fatal. So be it due to the short-term effects or long-term, you are bound to suffer.

What are the effects of heroin on mental health?

Thinking ability starts to differ when you begin the usage of heroin-

Long-term use of heroin is so life-threatening that it may also result in changing the shape of your brain and not only bring minor hormonal changes that result in mood fluctuations. You will be in a position where your mind starts to think and interpret things in a negative light.

What are the effects of heroin on on few other factors?

Other potential effects involve;

  • There is a detrimental effect on the brain’s rewarding center.
  • The white matter in the brain becomes dysfunctional.
  • Happy or positive hormones in the body like serotonin, dopamine ceases to secrete an inadequate amount.

Due to the less secretion of these hormones, an addict of heroin mostly cannot remain happy and satisfied in their life. Mostly these people tend to stay unhappy and have frequent mood changes. Where normal people have some positive attitude in their day-to-day life when they overcome anything significant or challenging, heroin addicts are far from any such experiences. The only emotion that they face is unhappiness and staying discontent.

With white matter deteriorating on a daily basis, these people lose the ability to think logically. Did you know that heroin is so risky that slowly it starts to make its users lose their control and become solely involved in just acquiring the drug?

People forget they have a personal and a professional life where they should be involved; instead of that, all they think about is taking heroin from any place regardless of the risk they have to face. Therefore such people are more prone to unethical behavior and also make risky life choices to subdue their urges as other potential effects.

What are the effects of heroin in personal and professional life?

The effect of heroin in your personal and professional life-

Due to the shift in priority, from leading an everyday life to an addicted life, heroin consumers only think about the drug and keep their distance from their family and friends.

There is no way left for these people to get help from their close ones as they do not let anyone come near to them. All they think and want is to induce this drug in their life daily, for which they can go up to any extent.

Highly forgetful nature becomes another criterion that may bring in a lot of troubles. They can forget important dates, arrive late for work, become irresponsible, and leave all other things that carry meaning for something completely pointless and worthless.

Trust issues get broken; there is an image transformation as heroin addicts try to even steal from their family members, relatives, or close ones to keep the addiction in their life. As their professional life faces ill effects, they cannot afford the drug as a form of their daily dosage. Hence, this results in them trying to steal so that they can buy the drug and keep themselves operating at the cost of hurting their loved ones.

Now that you have known what are the effects of heroin, it is time to know some of the facts about it.

Few Facts-

  • A study in 2019 revealed that around 19.18% of the overall death that occurred was solely due to the reason of heroin consumption.
  • The increasingly high demand for heroin comes from the fact that it is readily available and cheap compared to other drug forms.
  • Researchers have found out that the misuse of prescription dosage of drugs has led to the increasingly high demand for heroin.
  • Heroin addiction and withdrawal symptoms are a common issue these days. Yet, it needs to be understood that taking this drug cannot be abruptly stopped as the addicts may then suffer from withdrawal symptoms.

Heroin addiction and withdrawal are not easy. Talk to a doctor if you are one of them who wants to stop heroin usage but is unable to do so and understand what are the effects of heroin doing to you. Remember that despising yourself for getting addicted is not a way out of the situation. You cannot suddenly stop using such potent drugs. This can only be done under the surveillance of experts who will help you throughout your journey. Hopecare is a call away in time of need!

The only way to help these people is to forcefully make them involved in medical treatment as well as therapy. Make them see what are the effects of heroin going to them. OnIy a dual form of treatment can help them come out of this clingy nature of addiction. It is mandated that if you know of anyone getting involved in such high-risk drugs, you take the right step in making them get back their life. Therapy centers like Hopecare which is the best rehab center in Delhi  are always open for such people to help and initiate a new move in their new life. Call now at 91-9311112377 to book an appointment so that you can save your loved ones before they lose everything in life.

How to deal with Depression in quarantine?

Everyone knows what we are talking about here. The assaults of depression have engulfed many. But, for those who are unaware of this immoderate problem, let me pen it down for you;

‘Depression is a mental inflicted disorder which is characterized by unfavourable mood fluctuations and can have its manifestations in the physical form as well.’

We are talking about such a ‘dark’ topic today, as it has already marred the life of many. People go up to the extent of even taking their lives away if this is not treated. Thus, talking about this can shed a streak of light on the unawareness that has grasped us!

Psychological effects of pandemic-

Pause and take a look around the world today, not quite so, as it was a few years ago, right? People are stranded at home, unable to go to jobs, have any leisure or amusement in their life. Forget about a vacation; nowadays, people think twice even before just basking in the sun. The means of socializing have altogether taken a different meaning. The pandemic is truly feeding on our fears of uncertainty. Sitting at home, not knowing what the future holds for us, is making us more exasperated. We never expected a scenario as such in our waking state! Our lives have been sidelined, and we have to get adapted to this lifestyle, if not sooner..than surely later! Assumptions are booming for all of us, and for the first time, mostly all of us have similar thoughts; “How long are we staying indoors?”

“How dangerous is the virus?”

“What is the ideal cure for it?”

Sitting inside the four walls, all we do is try to grab a bit of the world outside via news and social platforms. But, what a sad truth, all that comes in around, into our ears.. are the death tolls, places after places getting locked down, the vulnerability of people to this life-threatening virus. What a Major Global Health Crisis our generation is spectating at! Well, not only that. Facing the anxiety of feeling trapped at home, not being able to go and work, meet friends and family have created a cloud of dilemma in our mind. So many of us have already been struck by depression for this reason.

What can be done now?

First, take a deep breath in and put your worries aside. I know being quarantined can be a very rough phase. But remember, everyone around you is going through the same. Accepting the fact is always helpful to cope up with the situation. Things always get worse before getting better! It is to be understood that health professionals and the government are doing their best to relieve us from this situation. Our duty primarily now resides on keeping ourselves aloof and restraining our social gatherings for the time being.

Effects of pandemic can be very rash but, 

‘Stay at home, and stay put.’

  • Begin with hauling yourself out of bed early in the morning.
  • Have a routine, paint the picture you always wanted to but had no time, play the guitar, read books, pursue your hobby again
  • Invest in your relationships
  • Work, even from home
  • Exercise in your garden or terrace area
  • Reach out to your friends by video calling to socialize
  • Keep yourself updated with news but, do not delve into them

Emphasis on maintaining a routine is made here. You can choose how you spend your day, however, but we all know that having a goal or a routine keeps us motivated. And this mindset will surely help us in getting over this pandemic stage.

Get creative! How will this help? Being innovative puts value on your work. Even sitting at home, you will feel productive this way. Creativity is just not the uniqueness of the brain; it is teamed up with hard work, and this combination will be a savior to overcome this phase.

Even after all this, if you feel a seething of resentment. Then try to reach out to your friends and family. Secluding oneself physically is one thing, but having a mental barrier can have many adverse effects. Every human being, as unique as they are, think that their problems, too, are absurd and never heard of. But that isn’t the case exactly. People around us undergo the same disorders, problems, be it physical or mental. So talking about yourself to them won’t make you feel ‘out of the group.’ Your acquaintances might even advise you something good, as they have been in that place too. Their support and care will not make you feel alone. In reaching out, you may also find someone dealing with the same issues. Both of you can be ‘symbiotic’ for one another then.

Also, be aware of this one fact; negative emotions are a part and parcel of life. They make us appreciate happiness. It is not possible to always remain positive or happy! The truth is, happiness, smiley faces are sold on television, tabloids, etc. Looking at happy people makes us more imbalanced. The reality is different from that. Everyone has issues, and everyone feels lonely… Now, even more, as being quarantined has cut off our social connections. Remind yourself that this time will pass and make the best out of it. But, if you are still unable to contain your fleeting emotions, then take therapy. Professional help should be resorted to in case of grave matters. Even sitting at home, doctors are providing teletherapy to their patients so that no drastic steps are taken by them. To avail of this opportunity, contact the best psychiatrist in Delhi.

The message I want to put through here is that, even in such panic-stricken conditions. Take a hand forward and reach out if the phase becomes very murky for you to endure. Depression during quarantine is common. Do not feel alone! Instead of internalizing your pain, share it with people who care. Also, hotlines are available if you have the thought of quitting.

Contact the best doctors for depression in Delhi.

How to treat depression- Symptoms, Treatment and Support

Is how to overcome depression and loneliness the only question on your mind? Mental wellbeing has long been neglected as a significant part of our general wellbeing. The acknowledgement of the seriousness of mental illness has been long overdue.

A person with a mental health condition, such as bipolar disorder, anxiety, or depression, cannot necessarily go in, take a blood test, and obtain a diagnosis instead of a physical illness that requires medical attention. All they can do is think about how to control depression and anger!

Furthermore, the symptoms of a mental health condition include several compounding variables that create smoke screens or alternative explanations for what is going on with an individual. In some instances, people will “mask” their symptoms for years, if not decades. Unlike an accident, mental wellbeing is often unnoticed and unaddressed before a traumatic event, or chronic problem occurs. This leaves the patient wondering which doctor to consult for depression!

The stigma associated with mental illness remains, making it impossible for people to seek treatment without fear of being punished. The fear of being labelled “sick” or chastised for failing to control one’s emotions encourages people to conceal their true feelings. It is important to break the cocoon that you have built around yourself. Taking medical imaging help for your well being is a brave step. Do not label yourself as a coward for that. If you think depression is an illness and also that it should be concealed, then you are wrong! Note that many eminent people in history were depressives and they fought their way through it. Now it is your turn!

What does depression feel like?

Depression is more than just being down all of the time or feeling “down.”

Depression can manifest itself in several ways. Others have an impact on your mood, and others affect your physical health. Symptoms can be persistent or intermittent.

Men, women, and children may all have different responses to the symptoms of depression:

  • Rage, aggression, irritability, anxiety, and restlessness are examples of moods.
  • Emotional wellbeing, such as feeling empty, depressed, and hopeless Behaviour, such as lack of interest, no longer finding joy in favourite activities, becoming quickly exhausted, suicidal thoughts, binge drinking, substance use, and participating in high-risk activities.
  • Cognitive skill ability like thinking or speaking becomes slow
  • Sleep issues, such as failure to sleep through the night, waking up early, or sleeping excessively
  • Physical wellbeing, such as lack of control, exhaustion, appetite changes, weight changes, aches, pains, and headaches

Treatment- How To Relax Mind From Depression: 

Living with depression can be challenging, especially when you don’t know how long does depression last. Therapy helps you to live a happier life. It is difficult when you do not know how to handle depression and loneliness. Discussing your choices with your healthcare provider can help.

You might be able to control your symptoms with only one type of treatment, or you might find that a combination of treatments is the most effective.

Combining medical and lifestyle therapies is widespread and include the following:

Prescription medication: Antidepressants are medications that help people feel better.

  • anti-anxiety medication
  • medications that are antipsychotic

Each type of depression medication has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Psychotherapy: Best doctor for depression in Delhi assist you in developing skills for dealing with negative emotions. Therapy is essential to make you get a grip over yourself. It is an initiator for your further improvement. With therapy sessions you will be able to manage your mental health more efficiently. Family or group counselling sessions can also be beneficial for you.

Therapeutic light: White light exposure can help regulate your mood and alleviate depression symptoms. Seasonal affective disorder, now known as major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, is usually treated with light therapy.

Exercising: 3 to 5 days a week, strive for 30 minutes of physical activity. Exercising will enhance the body’s development of endorphins, which are feel-good hormones.

Stay away from booze and drugs: For a short time, drinking or abusing drugs may make you feel better. However, these substances can intensify depression and anxiety symptoms in the long term.

Learn how to say no: Anxiety and depression symptoms may be intensified by feeling overwhelmed. Setting limits in both your professional and personal life will improve your mood.

Meditate- No, meditation is not an overhyped topic that makes it to the list of every problem that needs a solution. Meditation actually helps! It makes you reflect on your thoughts and calm yourself down. The anxiousness surpasses us at the time of meditation. You can separate the negative thoughts and focus on the positive ones. Overall is a self-talk session, only here you act with a conscious state of mind and not agitated.

Look after yourself: Taking care of yourself will also help to alleviate depressive symptoms. This involves having enough sleep, eating a nutritious diet, avoiding unpleasant people, and engaging in pleasurable activities. Another method, that ought to work is… self-acceptance! If you can just digest the fact that you are not happy, you will automatically start to feel more comfortable in your skin. It is okay to see others happy and content. You may want that for yourself too. But the first step to happiness is always accepting who you are and being satisfied with it.

Outlook for Depression:

Depression may be a short-term problem or a long-term issue. Treatment does not always result in complete recovery from depression.

Treatment, on the other hand, will also make symptoms more manageable. Finding the right combination of drugs and medicines to relieve depressive symptoms is essential. Speak with best psychotherapist in Delhi if one medication does not perform. They may be of assistance to you.Do remember that depression or not being fine is a phase. The one that you are targeting as a major problem maybe just the natural flow of life. By not hiking up your problem you may actually find the solution to it!

Ultimate Guide to psychological testing

If you or a family member is recommended for psychiatric examination, you should know there are various norms in psychological testing. Alternatively, you may have read of psychological tests and are uncertain if you or a family member should be tested.

It is also essential to know exactly what is psychological testing before jumping into it. While psychological testing can seem daunting, it is intended to assist you. Psychological assessments and evaluations are similar to psychiatric examinations in several respects. It is also necessary to understand the types of norms in psychological testing to understand your results better. A primary care physician might order X-rays or blood tests to determine what’s causing a patient’s physical symptoms. The test results will be used to help establish a treatment plan. To arrive at a diagnosis and immediate treatment, psychologists use assessments and other evaluation instruments to quantify and analyze a client’s actions. Psychologist in Delhi use tests and evaluations to help people with a range of issues. For example, children with difficulties in education may be subjected to aptitude testing or intellectual disability tests.

Suppose a person is having difficulties at work, school, or in personal relationships. In that case, assessments will help a counselor figure out if they have issues with anger management, interpersonal skills, or personality characteristics that contribute to the problem. Other reviews assess whether or not a client is suffering from mental issues like anxiety or depression.

What is psychological testing?

Norm-referenced psychological assessments, informal tests and surveys, interview results, school or medical records, medical evaluation, and observational evidence may all be used in a psychological evaluation. Based on the particular questions being asked, a psychologist decides what knowledge to use. Checks can be used to determine whether an individual has a learning disability, can stand trial, or has suffered a traumatic brain injury, for example. They can also be used to see whether anyone will make a good boss or work well with others. A counselor may observe how a person feels, reasons, and communicates with others when interacting with them about their problems and background. Other people close to the client, such as teachers, colleagues, or family members, maybe interviewed as part of the assessment. (However, such interviews can only be done with the client’s written consent.)

Characteristics of psychological testing-

  • The tests should give the same outcome no matter how many times it’s done.
  • It should skillfully measure what it has been made for, as in.. It should be efficient.
  • Psychological testing should have no biased opinions. It should record results genuinely
  • It should have a standardization value.

The above factors are must to be a part of any psychological testing.

Few facts about it?

  • The steps to psychological testing is not to extract the ‘negativities’ in you. It is a non- judgemental process carried out in featuring its characteristics only for the well-being of the person.
  • The reasons to undergo this test can differ from person to person. It may be just to diagnose one’s personality or to find answers to a particular behaviour.
  • The tests are exclusive. The psychologists invent new tests or modify the old ones to fit your requirements. 

What would you expect?

Psychological assessment isn’t like taking a multiple-choice exam. Best psychologist in Delhi use data from multiple tests and examinations to arrive at a particular diagnosis and treatment plan. Some people are tempted to look over the exams before they take them. If they think they have a problem, they should look for a practice test for that problem online. Experts say that’s a terrible idea. In reality, preparing ahead of time typically backfires: when you decide to take the test in a specific way, the responses can be inconsistent, giving the impression that you have more issues than you do.

History of psychological testing 

Personality testing dates back to the 18th and 19th centuries when used to determine personality using phrenology (the estimation of the human skull) and physiognomy (evaluating a person’s exterior appearances).

In the twentieth century, these early pseudoscientific approaches were gradually replaced by more empirical methods.

In the year 2000, France was the first country to introduce modern mental examination. In the nineteenth century, cognitive tests became common in France. This was a trademark in the history of psychological testing.

It helped to distinguish between mental retardation and mental illness, resulting in minor neglect, torture, and mockery for both classes.

What are the types of psychological testing-

  • Psycho educational assessment-

There are few assessments set up in educational systems for testing the child’s psychological abilities. It also endeavours on checking the emotional and behavioural status of the child. The strategy of such studies is to check how the child is coping with everyday school work, and in case he is having any issues, it also works on developing methods to alleviate the child’s problems.

  • Psychological assessment –

This is carried in opd, hospitals, clinics. The procedure is mostly guided by a clinical psychologist. The goal circumvents the kind of diagnoses provided and the treatment of these underlying issues.

  • Neuropsychological assessment –

This is the most advanced type of assessment done under the expertise of a neuropsychologist. They work on the further detailing of the brain delving into the information processing skills of the brain, memory, attention, motor and sensory signals, etc.

Categorizing the psychological tests more broadly, we can pen them down as:

  • Projective tests
  • Observation tests
  • Emotional intelligence tests
  • Intelligence tests
  • Aptitude tests
  • Attitude tests
  • Achievement tests
  • Personality tests

Uses of psychological testing-

The method has its relevance to decode the mental state of an individual. The uses of it are:

  • To detect the true behaviour of a person
  • The psychological changes, the way the person interprets things
  • It is used during the recruitment of candidates in the interview process
  • In researches
  • Used in organizations
  • To draw a distinction between two individuals
  • During self awareness.

The psychological tests over the time have benefited innumerable people. From knowing the actual reasons for their problems, to facing harsh circumstances, it has been helpful in building up the person’s self confidence by working on his emotional, social and psychological factors.

5 most common causes of alcohol addiction

Alcohol, like any other abusive substance, gives a ‘feeling of ecstasy’ to the brain. People forget the fact that this hallucination is only a time-dependent factor. Once the impact of alcohol ceases, the brain loses its euphoria. Thus, the person again craves for more alcohol… thus, for more euphoria.

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With incessant use of alcohol, the body starts getting immune to the secretions of the ‘feel good’ hormone or dopamine. People also start drinking more heavily to reach that point of pleasure. Unluckily for them, they only get pulled more and more into this addiction as one gets pulled by the quicksand! Such individuals may now face withdrawal symptoms. To keep away from this symptom, they again consume more alcohol. So this is a vicious cycle that keeps repeating relentlessly, and only a proper stoppage to it can help these alcohol addicts.

Reflecting on its earliest symptoms-

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People undergoing this issue might relate to it. Others keep an eye on these indicators as they might help prevent further damage to people you know.

The starting signs of alcoholism can seem to be not too endangering. But keep in mind, ‘A pause now can give a longer life later!’

  • Notice if your drinking habit is intensifying in the name of stress and parties. Know that these are just excuses that you are giving to yourself
  • Even if subtle, the changes are present where you start moving away from your family, only to allot more to your drinking hours. A fun life with family and friends need not include alcohol. It needs to constitute being around people that you adore!
  • Sleep patterns become erratic resulting in improper mood swings and also loss of interest in all other activities.

When you see yourself having just one engrossment in life, that is alcohol, become alert not to cross the line any further.

Causes of alcohol addiction-

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  • Childhood curiosity-When you set about drinking from a very early age, you become more prone to the ill effects of alcohol at the later stages in life. Maybe, you have had that extra nudge from your peers to indulge in drinking at your puberty. Growing years can be pretty rough, especially if there is no proper supervision of a guardian. Try to negate your curiosity about trying something new at that age. The building blocks of your body growth are at their peak now. Let your body and mind have space and intellect to fully mature, and you to make the right decision after that.
  • Stress of working people-The world around today has become very fast-moving. From trying to grow up fast to having a promising career at a speedy rate, to achieve everything in no time, we are filled with such overachievers almost everywhere around us. But, what we fail to see is that few people in such stressful conditions or, if they fail, resort to alcohol as their blinding support. Alcoholism is hence, very prevalent in the working society to deal with anxiety and stress.
  • The genetic factor-Alcoholism can run down in the ‘family tree.’ The hereditary cause is a potent reason for alcoholism. But inheriting the gene to drink is not all it takes to become an addict! The lineage factor combining with the environmental factor can lead to alcohol addiction.
  • Mental health disorders like bipolar problems, schizophrenia can make a person closeted and reticent in expressing their symptoms and feelings. They end up consuming alcohol to suppress their fear and anxiety. This may lead to alcoholism and also aggravate the problems of their mental health.
  • Emotional trauma-Alcohol abuse is familiar to people undergoing traumas of childhood abuse, domestic abuse. As they usually do not vent out their resentment, they slyly take the help of alcohol to suppress their damaging bits! Instead of taking the wrong path, they should talk to people who care or a therapist who will alleviate the root cause of their problem. Alcohol is only a life-risking agent in the long run.

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Also, people going through an emotional imbalance or breakdown may feel the need to take alcohol for their retreat. Instead of confronting their feelings, grief, and pain and accepting their situation, they instead consume large amounts of alcohol to give themselves a carefree touch. But, this eventually increases your pain

The reasons for getting tempted by alcohol are many. But the reason to avoid it is even bigger…. that is, a healthy, fulfilling life. Unfortunately, if you have already become an addict, we would like you to come and tell us your problem. We are available to you all the time. Just contact us from the details given below;

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Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi

 If you are in a dire need to stop the habit, visit the  Alcohol rehab centre in Delhi

 We will do all that is needed to free you from your addictions at the best nasha mukti kendra in India

 Call us now! To avail yourself of a life that you actually need!

Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Childhood Trauma

Explosive, as the name suggests, is something to do with raging! The alarming anger issues that in no possible cases can be termed, as usual, is what intermittent explosive disorder can be characterized into.

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People dealing with this disorder may feel unable to control their ‘fits of disproportionate anger.’ This comes as an episodic wave. Not that people suffering from intermittent explosive disorder are narcissistic. They do feel the regret for creating a menace after their temper has dropped down. The impending anger issues are uncontrollable for these people, making everything go out of sync for them. Only after lashing out their anger can they take a sigh of relief!

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How childhood trauma is one of the etiological factors to intermittent explosive disorder-

Reports claim, most people dealing with this disorder have a history of domestic, verbal, physical, and emotional violence in their early childhood. Since they have grown up in an environment of violence and resentment, they carry these traits to their adulthood.

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The stage of growth is a remarkable turn for every individual. It is said, ‘ A child is an early learner.’ Many a time, we forget this critical verity. Whatever the child sees or encounters, he collects it in his memory and, after that, executes it as per his preference. Having squabbles at home, verbal bashing of the child, or even physical abuse inflicted on him, are all stored and recorded in his mind. Thereafter, the child just has to ‘switch on the play button’ to re- telecast all that he has learned. It so happens many times that the child is not in control while projecting his fury. This then becomes a part of his personality. Whenever he gets irked, he unconsciously showcases devastating heights of anger. This type of anger issue continues with him till his adulthood phase. Thus, this can be said to be a portrayal of intermittent explosive disorder in children.

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Young children are considered to have a lot of resilience. They can forget things while they grow up. But, if a significant amount of trauma is induced upon them; it makes it very difficult for the child to forget his past. Childhood PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder keeps reminding the child of the distress that he has faced. His mind gets him alert for any warning signs that might end up making him face the same tribulations. This may cause the following symptoms;

  • Degrading self-esteem
  • Extremities of anger and exasperation
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Feeling isolated.

Children in their early years learn to manage their emotions and learn to deal with the correct way of maintaining interpersonal relationships. Unfortunately, due to these traumas, the child cannot understand how to control his emotional flow. This further exacerbates the problem of intermittent explosive disorder in them. When a child is suffering, it should be brought to the immediate notice of the guardians. Intervening in the course of the wrong action of the child in the earliest time can help the child recover. All that a growing individual requires is support and love from his family. When this is given to the child, he embarks on his journey to adulthood in a non-friction manner. If things seem to go out of hand, therapy for childhood trauma is mandatory.

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If an adult is undergoing intermittent explosive disorder, he too should call out for help. Working on the disorder in the right order can restore back peace in your life. To get such a life experience, visit the best psychiatrist in Delhi and also, rehabilitation centre in Delhi to help such children and adults too, in recovering.

Alcohol Abuse – Treatment, Symptoms And Causes

Alcohol abuse differs from alcohol addiction, but they are usually present together. It is important to understand that abusers of alcohol cannot be considered addicted to alcohol, but when they consume it, it knows no limits. Alcoholic drinkers continue to drink alcohol regardless of the results. They may not be involved in regular alcohol consumption and may not suffer from any symptoms if they are not around alcohol. But when they start drinking they have no boundaries; They are usually heavy drinkers and lose control of their actions due to excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol abusers may eventually become addicted to it.

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According to the alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi control and prevention, drinking a few drinks per day is considered moderate drinking. However, consumption of too much alcohol and not being able to limit consumption is identified as alcohol abuse and a very dangerous disorder. It is the root cause of many social and emotional problems, and if not alcoholism, is the route to alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse is a disruptive and life-threatening problem and has drunk, vandalism, violent behavior, legal consequences (drunk-driving, vandalism, violent behavior, legal consequences etc.) as associated problems. Everyone understands that all alcohol-related problems, including alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse, are dangerous, but despite research, awareness of them, they are still common. These days the issue of alcohol abuse is still being seen among teenagers.

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Causes of alcohol abuse

No one grows up to deal with alcohol-related problems. But alcohol, sometimes, stops in a person’s life. For many, alcoholism is introduced by peer pressure, prompting and poking to drink alcohol. Over time, when they fall victim to this peer pressure, they lose the ability to control when and when they drink, and with alcohol addiction. Alcohol abuse remains at hand. For some, alcohol consumption may begin as a remedy for some mental illness. But soon, over time, a habit of persistent overconsumption of alcohol develops and their lives become victims of alcohol abuse and addiction disorders. And for some people, alcohol abuse and alcoholism result from psychological or social factors, where they consume slightly more to calm down and loosen up on certain social occasions or forget or get rid of some stressful routine.

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 What are the symptoms of alcohol abuse?

 Some common symptoms observed include:

  •  Decreased extracurricular/physical activities
  • Loss of interest in work-life or school life
  •  Depression
  •  Lack of interest in family or friends


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  •  Inability to say no to alcohol
  •  Erratic/violent behavior
  •  Unknown and outlaws type attitude

There are also long-term symptoms, including chronic fatigue, liver failure, cirrhosis, insomnia, chronic anxiety (chronic fatigue, liver failure, cirrhosis, insomnia, chronic anxiety), etc. Alcohol abuse can also cause brain damage that can lead to impairment in one’s working memory or visual abilities. It causes impairment in one’s critical thinking, compromises the ability to reason in stressful situations, and shows many other visible neurotoxic effects.

Treatment of alcohol abuse

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Treatment for alcohol abuse focuses on helping learn how to control the disorder. Most people recovering from alcohol abuse should abstain from alcohol altogether as it is difficult for them to drink moderately. Prevention is often the only way to manage this disorder. Generally, recovery revolves around feeling the side effects of alcohol abuse and self-motivated commitment towards stopping the habit. Recovery is a long process and involves healing, learning new coping skills and healthy ways to manage stress. In countries such as the United States, rehabilitation groups are formed and regular rehab meetings are held where people become aware of the side effects and abstain from alcohol. Realize the problem. There are no direct medicinal cures for this disorder and all depends on the will of the person.

Prevention to avoid alcohol abuse.

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Prevention is always better than cure and to prevent the problem of alcohol abuse, we need to understand the reasons why people become alcohol abusers or addicts. It is found that alcohol abuse is more common at some points in life. Those undergoing serious life events or trauma are more likely to commit alcohol abuse;  People who experience depression, loneliness, emotional stress or boredom tend to deal with their problems with alcohol and thus alcohol abuse and become alcohol addicts. Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi measures already implemented includes increased taxation of alcohol, strict regulation on alcohol advertising and fewer liquor stores. These are not the right solutions to prevent the problem. With better education about the matter, and so have families that do not support alcohol consumption, there are certain measures that reduce the number of people suffering from alcohol abuse disorder. However, this problem today appears to be, of course, not entirely eradicated.

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Withdrawal symptoms of alcohol abuse.

Like any other disorder, people suffering from alcohol abuse also experience withdrawal symptoms if they have not had alcohol for a while. Once they stop drinking, a part of their lifestyle seems to be missing, the routine is broken. Symptoms of withdrawal include:

  • Nausea
  • Shaking, shivering and sweating together (shaking, shivering and sweating)
  • Irritability
  •  Anxiety

Sometimes when a person with a disorder tries to stay away from alcohol, withdrawal symptoms can be dangerous and can lead to a medical emergency. Such symptoms include:

  • Seizures
  • Severe vomiting (sometimes there is blood)
  • Hallucinations
  • Fever

If there is a long-term addiction to alcohol and alcohol abuse, a rehabilitation in Delhi should be consulted. In such cases, to quit alcohol, treatment should be done under proper guidance, and in a slow and step-wise manner.

Prevent alcohol addiction: alcohol prevention and treatment

Go to a party, and drink a glass or two of wine. “ That will not do much of a harm! It is an occasional thing!” you say to yourself…. then maybe, you pour yourself another glass.

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You see, this is a repetitive sign of your brain wanting more and more of those overflow of dopamine. After all, your friends have stayed unaffected for years, even with alcohol abuse. So how can just two glasses of wine be harmful to you?

The effects of alcoholism are essential for all of us to know. Every individual is different, so is their controlling capacity. One might become an addict in a year, and the other may still be in control after five years. The medical history of the person is another criterion to how alcohol will react in your body. The amount of alcohol consumed and the tolerance to it are the other risk factors.

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Dangers of alcohol addiction-

  • Slurred speech
  • Fatty liver or liver cirrhosis
  • Kidney infections
  • Hypertension
  • Tuberculosis
  • Strokes
  • Heart failure
  • Cancer

The above-listed diseases are all fatal and may end up eventually taking your life. Understand this, that trying to get some temporary happiness, you are putting your life at stake.

How to prevent alcohol addiction-

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Having to deal with alcohol abuse disorder can be pretty challenging. But, having a strong willpower can make your journey easier;

  • Either you are too happy or too sad, you think of alcohol. Change this mindset. Not being able to control and giving in during challenging situations is a reckless way of dealing with life. Avoid consumption of alcohol in vulnerable cases to not end up depending on it
  • Replace alcoholic drinks with more carbonated beverages, or maybe even juices, to lead a healthy life
  • Avoid socializing and going to places where you will not be able to restrict yourself from drinking
  • In cases of teenage alcohol consumption, be a better guardian in educating the child to not resort to demeaning substances at such an early age. Openly talk to him in cases of any peer pressure or stressful conditions in their personal life. Be available to your child so that next time when he is in need, he opts for your help and not alcohol.

 Alcohol addiction treatment-

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Do not sadden yourself once you have become wholly engrossed in drinking. Alcohol addiction has a range of treatment plans to benefit your health and life.

  • The first step is to get counselling done to help you reach a reluctant level to drinking. Keep a hands out distance from consuming alcohol after that
  • Medications are also provided by the doctors to help you during your withdrawal symptoms and to ease out your cravings
  • Treatment/ rehabilitation centres, where you are evaluated, diagnosed, given symptomatic treatment, are also an option. Also, treatment centres get you indulged in other activities like meditation to deviate your mind to something better and progressive. A whole team of doctors are available to help you get rid of your addictions. So do not think twice before consulting us for yourself or your loved ones.

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In the treatment centre for alcohol addiction, you have a chance to a new life again. To stop your cravings, go to Alcohol rehabilitation centre in Delhi

It has immense good facilities to help you and ease out your troubles. Also, the Best nasha mukti kendra in India.

We do our bit, to give you a whole life!

Contact now!

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – Symptoms, Treatment, And Causes

OCD is known for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is a type of mental illness. Typically, this condition is seen in people who are in the juvenile age range or have reached adulthood. People experience obsessive thoughts and compulsions during such situations. OCD patients ritualistically perform certain actions as a routine or have certain thoughts that haunt them again and again.  Some of the most common activities that OCD people often do are to count things, wash their hands frequently, do more cleaning or see if the doors and windows are closed, etc.

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Some patients with OCD have difficulty removing all unnecessary or chronic junk.  These activities occur to the extent that most of them endanger their normal life and their daily life is negatively affected. Although most adult OCD patients find that their strange behavior is incomprehensible, they still cannot stop.

What are the 4 types of OCD?

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Compulsive detection, contamination or mental contamination, symmetry and order, and hoarding are various types of obsessive-compulsive disorder. In a checking type disorder, it is always necessary to check the car, water tap, gas or electric stove cobs, house lights and candles, emails and letters, etc. to reassure the patient. This can sometimes damage that particular object.

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Another type of observation is a concern in mental contamination where the patient thinks about contamination. Due to this, the patient may harm themselves or their loved ones. In symmetry and order, a patient always tries to keep everything correct and symmetrical. In OCD hoarding, people avoid abandoning useless things and worn-out things.

 How many people have OCD?

According to a famous psychiatrist in Delhi, OCD affects about 2.3% of people worldwide at some point in their lives. Typically, symptoms begin after the age of 35, although many develop OCD symptoms even before 20. Men and women are affected equally by this disorder.

What are the early symptoms of OCD?

It is described as an anxiety disorder, in which signs are indicated:

  • Repetitive behavior
  • To be governed by rules
  • Hard time
  • Wash hands
  • Excessive cleaning
  • Behavior check
  • Count
  • Unwanted sexual thoughts
  • Seek assurance
  • Skeptical of relationship

How to diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder?

There are four main ways to know if a patient has obsessive-compulsive disorder. These are physical examination, laboratory tests, psychological evaluation, and diagnostic criteria for OCD. During the physical examination, the famous psychiatrist in Delhi discusses the patient’s feelings, thoughts, and habits. There may be a possibility of a full blood count test, functioning of the thyroid, and blood pressure collection for alcohol and substance testing.

The DSM-5 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders issued by the American Psychiatric Association can be used to diagnose OCD.

What are the risk factors for OCD?

Biological reasons such as genetics, brain structure, and the surrounding environment are considered as the basic reasons behind this condition, however, further research is needed in this area. It has been studied that if a parent has OCD, it puts their child at a higher risk of developing the condition.

Any stressful or shocking event can also cause OCD because these situations can trigger thoughts, feelings, etc. Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder is associated with streptococcal infection (PANDAS), which is thought to be an environmental factor that causes OCD in which strep infection occurs.

What is the treatment for OCD disorder?

There is no complete cure for obsessive-compulsive disorder but there are some treatments that help control its symptoms. Behavior therapy and talk therapy are given by trained doctor OCD treatment in Delhi for this condition. Videoconferencing therapy or teletherapy is used for acceptance and commitment therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and exposure and response prevention therapy as well as dealing with OCD.

What is the medication for obsessive-compulsive disorder?

Medications help control unwanted obsessive thoughts and compulsions.  However, before prescribing any medication, complete information must be gathered for OCD. The Food and Drug Administration has approved some antidepressant and psychiatric medications for the treatment of OCD such as clomipramine, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, and sertraline.

Before prescribing any of these medications, the doctor should discuss problems such as side effects, suicide risk, and interactions with other substances.  Even though all medicines are safe, there can be a possibility of negative results.  According to the FDA, antidepressants are given to patients with mental illness but it always carries a black box warning with it.

What are the methods for the prevention of OCD?

There is no proper cure for this condition but its signs and symptoms can be controlled. There is also no initial prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder. If a patient is suffering from OCD, early detection can help prevent it.

How to overcome OCD?

Avoid Your Fear:

It may be a wise decision to avoid your obsessive thoughts, but in fact, the more you do this, the scarier you will feel.  Therefore, exposing oneself to their OCD triggers and then attempting to urge or resist to carry out their relieved OCD ritual.  If resistance becomes too hard on your part, try to reduce the time you spend doing them.

Take care of yourself:

When you are facing your OCD urges and thoughts, try to shift your focus to something else instead. A person can go for a walk, exercise, surf the web, call, play video games, and more. The important thing is that whatever you do, enjoy doing something for at least 20 minutes, to delay your response to compulsive thoughts.

Urging OCD:

By anticipating your obsessive and compulsive urges, before they come, you can help yourself to get rid of your OCD.  Whatever compulsive thoughts, pay extra attention to them at first. When the urge to do or investigate arises later, it is easy for the person to re-label the idea as obsessive disorder.

Drug Addiction: Symposium, Treatment, And Causes

Addiction to Prescription Painkillers is increasing among individuals in the country. To reduce chronic pain in individuals after surgery or injury, painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin are prescribed by physicians. These painkillers do not treat pain but only serve as a means of reducing pain. Sometimes individuals take drugs continuously and become physically addicted until they can resist them. These drugs stimulate the sensations of the brain and give the person the feeling of euphoria that they desire. Although painkillers are prescribed by rehab centre in Delhi, if they are taken as per prescription they are only safe if not abused. Drug abuse (side effects) depends entirely on the person and then there is a craving to take more medicines.  Taking drugs regularly makes them tolerant of those who take an overdose of the drug to get the desired effect to the person. This increased intake turns into an addiction and affects the person psychologically and physically. Work and family life is affected and the person can no longer resist his will. The only way to overcome the side effects is with the help of medication and counseling.

Causes of painkiller addiction

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The most important treatment is choosing the right doctor and taking the right medicine at the right time because if the treatment is not started at the right time, then the patient may have to face a lot of trouble that is not an identifiable cause. Pain-relieving addiction is caused by many factors. Researchers have found some factors to be the cause of addiction in individuals: Genetic – Your genes can play an important role in a state if you are going to abuse drugs later in life. You are also more likely to suffer from addiction if one of your family members is undergoing drug addiction.

Environment – Environment can also play a major role in drug addiction. Social and economic factors play a major role. If you are brought up in a high-risk family, you are more likely to develop an addiction later in life.

Brain Chemicals – Painkillers increase dopamine in the brain which causes an increase in pleasure by doing certain activities like eating food. This congestion causes an increased craving for the drug. Negative Emotions – Painkillers can also be taken to combat negative emotions such as depression and low mood.

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What are the symptoms of Painkiller Addiction?

The use of symptoms depends on the type of painkillers. Some of the symptoms associated with Painkiller Addiction are as follows-

Behavioral Symptoms

  • Taking too many medications
  • Social isolation from family and friends
  • Visiting many doctors to get more medicines
  • Avoid enjoying hobbies and neglecting work
  • Stealing medication from others Psychological Symptoms
  • Depression or Anxiety
  • Mood Changes

Physical Symptoms

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  • Slurring Speech
  • Itchy skin
  • Constipation
  • Muscle Aches and Stiffness
  • Thin and enlarged pupils who appear black and oversensitive to light
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Heart issues such as cardiac arrest can lead to death.

Cognitive Symptoms

  • Excitement
  • Confusion

Treatment of Painkiller Addiction

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Medication and therapy can be helpful in substance abuse. Treatment includes a physical examination to assess your health and check for any disease. A rehab center can help you overcome your addiction. There are two types of rehab centers: inpatient rehabilitation and outpatient rehabilitation. In inpatient rehab, the user is transferred to a rehab center and provided with an environment that reduces his intake until he stops it altogether. Outpatient rehab is preferable for those who wish to be with their families and friends while supervising trained professionals. Rehab center in Delhi can help the addict to figure out how to deal with his addiction and live a better life. Recovery of drug abuse requires time because it is a long-term process. Some medications, such as methadone, can help eliminate symptoms of drug abuse by acting in a similar way to addictive drugs but may not cause withdrawal symptoms and euphoria.

Prevention to avoid Painkiller Addiction

Following directions: The patient should always follow the prescription given by the doctors and take the appropriate dose.  One rehab in Delhi advises not to take an overdose and a pharmacist should be consulted if one wants to change their medicines.  

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Understanding an addiction: There are some signs that can cause a full-blown addiction such as patients taking multiple prescriptions or stealing drugs from friends or family. A rehab center in Delhi like I Drug Screen should look for these signs and alert the patient about the side effects.

Find alternatives: To relieve pain, a person should look for other alternative painkillers. There may be other medications or therapies that may help the person.

Counseling: A rehab center can help a person overcome their addiction. Their centers have environments where a person can learn to resist addiction.

Withdrawal symptoms of Painkiller Addiction

Withdrawal occurs once the addiction completely stops the intake of the drug.  The withdrawal symptoms may be mild to mild. Symptoms can also occur in physical and psychological nature. They may depend on whether the withdrawal occurs sooner or later or the type of medication used. Symptoms may occur for several months after discontinuation of the drug.  Withdrawal symptoms may also depend on how many doses of the drug were taken and for how long. Physical symptoms may include the following

  • Fatigue
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Running nose
  • The craving for medicine is increasing.
  • Muscle Aches

Psychotic symptoms may include the following:

  •  Depression or anxiety
  •  Irritability
  •  Confusion

In the same way, there are many more.

Painkiller withdrawal can be difficult and it is always necessary to consult a rehab center in Delhi.

Symptoms Of Depression And What Surveys And WHO Says About Depression


It is a mentally linked disease that, if not treated in time, grows over time and at one point of time fills a person with so much despair and frustration that he sees only darkness in front of him, and  It is difficult to get the patient back from such a condition.

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If we look at the WHO figures, then these are the watchdogs. According to the World Health Organization, about 264 million people worldwide are currently suffering from depression. Not only this, Depression is the main reason for all the physical and mental diseases worldwide.

What Is Depression?

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It is a state when the mind and mind of a person are clouded by negativity, anxiety, tension, and sadness. In this state, a person’s ability to think and understand is gone, and he/she starts to be slowly weakened. Because it is a mental disease, it cannot be estimated by looking at the patient in it, but it can be detected if we look at the symptoms, it can be detected.

Depression is not a common disease. It differs from the ups and downs of life and the challenges faced in everyday life, and it takes a frightening form when it becomes a serious health condition while living for a long time.

What do Surveys say?

It can cause great harm to the person to whom it affects and ruins his work, family, and life. When depression reaches its worst state, it causes suicide. Approximately 80,000 people die each year due to suicide. Surprisingly, suicide is the second leading cause of death among 15 to 29-year-old children, and inadvertently around 76 to 85 percent of the people succumb to it.

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It is also known that people do not get proper treatment for mental diseases.  In low-middle income countries, 85 percent of the people do not get any treatment for this disease. There are much effective treatment or care problems, such as lack of resources, lack of knowledgeable doctors or psychiatrists, external society attitudes, etc. Often people living under stress or anxiety are not treated properly.

The burden of depression and other forms of mental illness has been increasing around the world. A resolution of a world-class health meeting in May 2013 has called for a comprehensive and equal response to mental illnesses in the country.

What Are The Symptoms?

Depending on the number of symptoms and severity, a depression patient can be divided into mild, moderate, and severe.  Both types of depression can be chronic (i.e., over a long period) with relapse, especially if they are not treated.

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Recurrent Depression Disorder: 

A psychiatrist in South Delhi says depression is repeated frequently within this disease. During these episodes, the patient experiences a depressed mood and loss of interest and pleasure, and energy for the activity lasts for at least two weeks. Many people suffering from depression suffer from symptoms of anxiety, disturbance of sleep, and hunger.

They may also have symptoms of guilt or lack of self-worth, poor concentration, which cannot be cured by therapy.

Only by looking at the patient’s symptoms can it be estimated that the level of depression in him. A person with a mild depression level will have some difficulty maintaining normal work and social activities but will be able to do his job. Still, if someone is seriously suffering from depression, it is unlikely that the victim is of any social or domestic activity; his life is badly filled with problems.

Bipolar Affective Disorder:

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The bipolar affective disorder is a psychiatric illness involving severe mood. Depression takes the form of dementia and can last for several months. At the time of depression, patients often feel very sad, feel guilty, do not feel hungry, have poor sleep, and cannot enjoy veggies.

This disorder often results in increased libido in patients during dementia, requires less sleep, excessive energy, and can sometimes involve risky movements (such as drinking too much alcohol, gambling, etc.), or even violent ones can occur.

There are three types of Bipolar Affective Disorder:

Type 1: Patients have prolonged dementia and depression episodes.

Type 2: They have a severe type of depression and have mild (hypomanic) symptoms of dementia.

Type 3: This is called a cyclothymic disorder.  In this, the patient has mild depression and mild insanity.


According to the best psychologist in Delhi, the biggest way to prevent depression is to try to keep away from negative thoughts and be positive as much as possible. But there are some crucial points –

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  • In every situation of your life, some people should always be with you.
  • Some decisions that cause depression such as changing jobs, love, marriage, or divorce. Do not take such decisions alone; always seek opinions from people who have been close to you for years.
  • Do not let negative thinking dominate you.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol and other drugs.

Diagnosis and Treatment

The first step in treating a patient with depression is to consult a best psychologist in Delhi.  After consultation, certain rules and experiments can be made to relieve the symptoms and other conditions in which the medicines taken by a patient are also under investigation. The Psychiatrist in South Delhi considers the family and medical history of the patient and then proceeds to treatment accordingly.

Although drugs are slow to take effect, medical antidepressants often cause serious side effects, which may not be acceptable in all cases. Psychotherapy is another option that can help in the treatment of depression. This therapy works by understanding behavior and ways of thinking and has also been shown to help reduce some symptoms.  It tells the patient what causes depression and how to come out of it.

What WHO Says?

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Depression is one of the priorities covered by the WHO’s ‘Mental Health Gap Action’ program. The program aims to help enhance services to reduce mental, neurological, and drug abuse in countries that health workers offer. WHO has prepared a complete psychological manual for depression called activists is divided by. An example is Problem Management Plus, which describes active behavior, relaxation training, problem-solving treatment, and strengthening social support. In addition, manual group interpersonal therapy (IPT) for depression is used for depression. The group describes the treatment and, ultimately, healthy thinking involves cognitive-behavioral therapy for perinatal depression.

Who is eligible and who is not eligible for the treatment of Quit Smoking?

Many people are addicted to the deadly habit of smoking. However, there are many treatments available that can help a smoker to quit the smoking habit like Pharmacological, Placebo & rehabilitation therapy, Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Laser Quit Smoking Therapy and more. If one classifies them, the treatment will fall under the following heads:

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Pharmacological methods – These methods are usually those methods that will include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). This type of therapy aims to reduce lethal nicotine to some extent, depending on the chemical composition ia the same as in. However, the side effects of nicotine will be eliminated. Prolonged use of NRT will eventually eject nicotine.

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Home Remedies – Alcohol rehab centre in Delhi take a long time to remove nicotine by feeding milk, although this therapy is considered to be the best in the long run. There are fewer side effects when home remedies are applied. Individuals usually deviate from nicotine during therapy.  Detoxifying drinks are administered to the body to release inhaled toxins.

Placebo & rehabilitation therapy – Placebo are the types of treatment that will help in stopping smoking activity. The person would be subjected to something called an electronic cigarette. Smoking will not produce nicotine smoking, but psychologically, the person will have satisfaction with smoking.

How is Quit Smoking treated?

There are many ways to quit smoking.  Procedures and rules will be followed in various annoying ways. The person undergoing that treatment is kept under strict supervision and the nicotine is completely stopped. Let’s take a deeper look at the treatment method!

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Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) – Alcohol rehab centre in Delhi treatment will allow the body to absorb low doses of nicotine, excluding tar. The wire is nothing but carbon monoxide, which will give trouble makers. This therapy will eliminate sudden withdrawal symptoms, bad moods, and cravings. NRT molecules are available in various forms that aim to eliminate smoking.  There are various forms:

  • Inhalators and VIP Vapes
  • Skin patch
  • Chewing gums
  • Tablets, syringes and lozenges

The patch will reduce nicotine release speed.  The patch is often advised to be taken at night.  Chewing gums, inhalators and tablets have a high rate of release of nicotine, and may increase severity. Only one type of NRT will not be sufficient to reduce bad habits. However, the combination of the above examples can be taken up to 8–12 doses to show any visual effects.

Who is eligible for the treatment of Quit Smoking?  

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Ideally, a person who has reached the highest levels of nicotine pollution is eligible for treatment. However, on the advice of doctors, not all individuals have to undergo treatment.  The ‘quit smoking’ treatment will again invite a sudden toll in the body. Changes, although for long-term benefits, require the body to prepare for treatment. Reducing a bad habit will trigger a bad mood and hyperactive personal nature.  Treatment should be done under supervision and care of Alcohol rehab centre in Delhi. The withdrawal symptoms can be severe, and the person needs to be patient.  Getting a high fever or a strong headache are signs of a weakening process and therefore, you should not panic.

Who is not eligible for treatment?

Those who should specifically avoid this treatment are:

  • Pregnant woman
  • Children under 18 years of age
  • Lactating women
  • People suffering from kidney problems and
  • People who face problems like epilepsy and suffering from duro. 

The above categories of individuals should avoid such treatment as it is not possible to keep the body in a strict routine with them. A pregnant woman cannot be exposed to those patches and strict diets because she will have her medications administered. The combination of the two will have a small impact.

Are there any side effects?

Well, every treatment administered to the human body will end in side effects. The severity of side effects may vary from one to another. Since NRT is a widely used method of weaning, side effects related to the drug used are common  Possible side effects are:

Sickness: Sickness is the trend during therapy.  The main reasons behind this are the withdrawal symptoms and effects of the drug.  The body will feel weak and lean due to a sudden disappearance of kick from nicotine.  Slow depletion of nicotine will weaken the body.

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Constipation: Another most common side effect is constipation. This condition is due to the pharmacodynamics going inside the body due to the drug. Dissection will be largely affected, as the therapy will seek to eliminate contamination of nicotine from all major biochemical pathways.

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What are the guidelines after treatment?

A typical ‘quit smoking’ treatment will last for about 8–12 weeks. However, genuine care and conflict come post treatment. The method adopted is easy to follow unless the following guidelines are followed: Stay away: It is a mandate to keep oneself away from smokey areas and groups. It is important that you stay away from people who smoke. Passive smoking is deadly again! After treatment, the body’s signals will move toward smoking. This is due to the mandatory requirement of nicotine. Exposure to nearby nicotine can trigger the need to go back.

Eat healthy: Healthy food will be normal by eating healthy food like fruits, vegetables and juices. Clearly all side effects must evaporate.  Fruits and other veggies will also improve one’s immunity and help fight any infection.

How long does it take to recover?

As soon as the therapy ends, a new phase of recovery begins. In today’s era, the right diet is very important for the treatment of the disease.  Because proper eating can keep a person healthy and proper exercise with proper food is equally important. Because there are many benefits of exercise, it keeps energy in the body. And man feels absolutely healthy. Your strict routines and medications will gradually change to heal the damaged lungs and associated respiratory system. In the beginning, withdrawal symptoms will charge and make things a little difficult for you. Poor mood and behavior changes are unavoidable.  However, complete treatment may take 2-3 years. Transient relief will begin within a few weeks of treatment.

What is the cost of treatment in India?

Generally, Indians always have the mindset to be fair in whatever they do. The skin patch used as NRT will cost Rs 700 to Rs 800.  Overall, this may vary due to differences between treatment centers.

Are the results of the treatment permanent?

Well, the results of treatment are permanent and will not be temporary until a decision is made. Quitting smoking will become a part of your routine and you should know what to do in it yourself. Treatment requires commitment and discipline. With the right approach, the result can be forever. Temporary relief will only become permanent with your discipline. If you become weak and do not give up your old bad habits then the results can be the opposite at any point.

What are the treatment options?

This type of addiction is rarely discounted.  Nevertheless, there are some ways that will help you to quit smoking are:

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Mental rehabilitation centre in Delhi training will train your brain to know the side effects of smoking. Your mind will be filled with so much negativity about smoking that you will be forced to quit smoking. Fear is another weapon! Animated effects of smoking in the lungs and respiratory tract Smokers will fear this effect.

Know About Each And Every Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is perhaps the most stigmatized and misunderstood psychological disorder of all. Though no reason as such is identified behind this, most psychologists believe that this has happened because of the rareness of this disorder among people. Now with the evolution of medical science and psychology, doctors can identify the symptoms of schizophrenia and how to diagnose this condition along with the best treatment. But in the 80s or 70s schizophrenia was the prime concern in the media, doctor’s offices more than any other mental illness. As a result, back then, the people who were schizophrenic were often abused and locked up in their homes. This information is provided by the psychologists for the best schizophrenia treatment in Delhi

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The word Schizophrenia refers to ‘split mind’. But ironically in this condition, there is no split in mind or personality which happens in other mental illnesses like dissociative identity disorder or personality disorder. The term ‘schizophrenia’ actually is ‘split from reality. Only 1.1% of the population over the age of 18 suffers from Schizophrenia that is 51 million people worldwide. One out of ten people with Schizophrenia take their own life and another four out of ten attempt suicide at least once. According to the best doctor for depression in Delhi, college students who are suffering from schizophrenia are also diagnosed with depression, and therefore many times they experience suicidal thoughts.

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It can last for a long time, some psychologists even call it chronic. Schizophrenia usually is visible in males in their mid-20s, and in females, it occurs in their late 20s. Its symptoms become visible gradually but events like childhood trauma or stress can trigger the onset of Schizophrenia. The peak age to have a schizophrenic break is early adulthood. Although psychologists around the world have identified no event which is directly responsible for causing it. Schizophrenia was once thought to be a single condition with some symptoms but it is now, included in the DSM-5 (American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders) as a point on a spectrum of disorders that are different from each other in factors like how they’re expressed and how long they last in a patient. 

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When schizophrenia is in full swing and symptoms are extreme, the person who is schizophrenic is not able to differentiate whether or not his ideas and his belief system are real. Hospitals and clinics offering the best schizophrenia treatment in Delhi have been diagnosing patients based on the below-listed symptoms. 

Positive Symptoms: Positive symptoms include distorted thoughts, behaviors, and perception which showcases the person’s inability to differentiate between what is real and what is false. The term “positive” refers to the appearance of something new, instead of the absence of their original practices.

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  • Hallucinations: Schizophrenics can hear, see, sense, or feel stuff that isn’t actually happening in real life. Hallucinations can of different types: 
  1. Auditory Hallucinations: In most cases, the individual hears voices in their mind. They should be enraged or in a hurry and demand that they complete tasks. They speak in low pitch, sort of a whisper, or can be irritated and loud at times
  2. Visual Hallucinations: It is possible to see lights, artifacts, individuals, or patterns. Perceiving range and depth may also be a problem for them.
  • Delusions: The majority of individuals consider these viewpoints odd, and they are ready to refute them. The individual who is afflicted may believe that the Federal government is chasing them or that someone is attempting to control their brain via TV. They may feel they are someone else, such as a famous person or the emperor, or they may think they have supernatural skills.
  • Distracted or disorganized thoughts: It might be challenging for people with schizophrenia to organize their ideas. They might not be able to understand when we communicate with them. If anything, they may look to be drowsy or perplexed. Their phrases can be garbled and incoherent when they talk
  • Movement Disorder: Schizophrenic people may seem jittery. They’ll perform the same actions or tasks repeatedly. However, they can also stay still for several hours straight, which is referred to as catatonic by experts. Schizophrenic people do not behave aggressively at all.

Negative Symptoms: The lack of regular activities of the brain which involve thinking, expressing, and perceiving is referred to as negative symptoms.

  • Showing no signs of Happiness: The individual who is suffering from schizophrenia no longer seems to enjoy life or live to the fullest of his abilities. This is referred to as anhedonia by psychologists. 
  • Speech difficulties: Schizophrenic people cannot express their emotions or internal turmoil. This is referred to as alogia. They do not speak much or speak often which anyone. 
  • Schizophrenic patients may appear to be suffering from losing their train of thought often. When they talk, their voices can sound flat and without any emotions. They can not laugh or express usual facial emotions in answer to interactions or events that are happening around them. This is what a psychologist would deem as affective flattening.
  • Withdrawal from society: Having no plans with the friends or interest in them or becoming a total hermit are some of the instances. Trying to hold a conversation with the schizophrenic person can be tiresome and feel like nails on a chalkboard. Getting an answer from them can be very difficult. Psychologists call this as ‘apathy’.
  • No follow-through: Patients who are schizophrenic have a hard time following a timetable or a routine. They cannot finish a task which they started. They might be not able to begin at all. This is what a psychologist would refer to as avolition.

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Cognitive Symptoms: Memorization can be a challenge for anyone with schizophrenia. They might not be able to make sense of several types of information at one time such as a phone number and directions. They can struggle to organize their thoughts and make decisions.

All You Need To Know About Schizophrenia


Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder. People with schizophrenia experience distortions of reality, repeatedly experience hallucinations and delusions.

There are many misconceptions about this disorder. For example, people think that it forms a split personality, whereas schizophrenia and split personality are two different disorders.

Schizophrenia can happen to men and women of all ages. Men usually develop the symptoms of this brain disorder in their late teens or early 20s. While women start reflecting the signs in their late 20s or early 30s.

Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

When schizophrenia is active, it can be identified when a person is unable to differentiate between real and unreal events. The duration, severity, and frequency of symptoms vary in any illness, however, in schizophrenia, the severe symptoms often decrease in a patient’s life. Consumption of alcohol or street drugs, ignorance of the prescribed medicines, and stressful situations can fuel its symptoms. The symptoms may include:

  • Early symptoms
    These symptoms usually reflect in teenage years or early 20s. These signs are usually neglected because of typical adolescent behaviors. It includes:

    • Getting yourself isolated from family and friends
    • Changing social group or friends
    • Lack of concentration or focus
    • Disturbed sleep
    • Getting irritated easily
    • Poor academic performance
  • Positive symptoms
    Positive symptoms are the psychotic behaviors that are not usually found in healthy individuals. These include:

    • Hallucinations
    • Delusions
    • Thoughts and movement disorders
  • Negative symptoms
    These symptoms interrupt the behavior, emotions, and abilities of a person and they include:

    • Unorganized thinking or speech
    • Lack of emotions
    • Lack of excitement in life
    • Social isolation
    • Trouble controlling impulses
    • Difficulty in experiencing pleasure
    • Trouble starting or following the plans
    • Difficulty in performing daily tasks
  • Cognitive symptoms
    Cognitive symptoms are mostly subtle and difficult to detect. However, it can affect your memory and thinking. The symptoms include:

    • Unorganized thinking, i.e. unable to focus or pay attention
    • Poor understanding information and trouble making decisions
    • Problem learning new things
    • Loss of insights

Causes Of schizophrenia

The exact cause of this brain disorder is still unknown, but medical researchers believe there are several contributing factors, such as biological, genetic, and environmental. Recent studies have shown up that chemical abnormalities are also responsible for many schizophrenia symptoms.

  • Risk factors associated with schizophrenia may include:
  • Exposure to toxins or virus
  • Presence of inflammatory or autoimmune disease
  • Use of mind-altering drugs
  • High-stress levels

Diagnosis And Tests For Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia cannot be diagnosed with one single test. Your doctor needs a complete psychiatric examination to diagnose it. You will be required to see a mental health specialist and he may ask you to answer the following:

  • Your medical history
  • Your mental health
  • Medical history of your family

Based on your answers, your doctor may conduct the following tests:

  • Physical examination
  • Blood tests
  • CT (computed tomography) scan
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

Treatment for schizophrenia

Currently, there are no cures available for this brain disorder. If you are diagnosed with it, then you would require lifelong treatment. Treatments can help to control or lower the symptoms of schizophrenia. It is very important that you reach out to a psychiatrist or mental health specialist for the treatment. Possible treatments of schizophrenia may include:

  • Medications: Antipsychotic medication is the most common treatment, as it can help to prevent hallucinations, delusions, and other symptoms.
  • Psychosocial intervention: It is an individual therapy that helps you to cope up with stress and illness. It can also help to improve your social and communication skills.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: This treatment can empower with you the skills that can help you to return to work.

Family support is an important aspect that a person living with schizophrenia would require. It is important to take care of their health and wellbeing. For more information, give us a call on 9311112377.

Depression Is Real And It Is Time To Address It

What Is Depression?

Depression is a major depressive disorder that is real and common and it negatively affects the way you feel, think, and act. There is one thing good to know about this disease that it is curable. Depression brings sadness and you start losing interest in the things once enjoyed by you. It can attract a number of mental and physical problems and can majorly affect a person’s ability to perform at work or at home.

Some common symptoms of depression can include:

  • Feeling upset/sad or depressed mood
  • Loss of interest in the things once enjoyed
  • Changes in your appetite
  • Weight loss or gain without following any special diet
  • Disturbed sleep or sleeping a lot
  • Lack of energy or fatigue
  • Slower movements and speech
  • Feeling of unworthiness, guilty or hopelessness
  • Difficulty in taking decisions or concentration
  • Suicidal thoughts

How To Address Depression?

It is always hard to take the first step, but going out for a walk or dancing on your favorite numbers is something that you can do right away. Also, it can help to boost up your mood and energy for some time which is enough for you to prepare yourself for the second step, like cooking your favorite meal or getting ready to meet your close friend. You can do the heavy lifting of the depression disorder by taking such small steps and you will find yourself positive, happy, and healthy again.

  1. Reach out to your closed ones and stay connected
    Getting support from your loved ones helps in overcoming depression. Do not feel exhausted with talking, ashamed of your situation or guilty because this is not you, it is just the depression. Staying connected to your family and friends can make you feel better and reaching out to people for help is not a sign of weakness.
  2. Do things that make you happy
    To overcome depression, you need to do things that rejuvenate you. It is an undeniable fact that you can’t force yourself to have fun especially when you are already depressed. However, you can push yourself to perform things even if you don’t enjoy the same. It may not immediately lift your mood up, but gradually you will start feeling energetic by doing the same.
  3. Keep moving
    Depression can make it difficult for you to get out of the bed, let working out keep aside. But exercise or workout is a powerful weapon to fight against depression. Research says that regular exercise can be equally effective as medications are for treating the symptoms of depression.
  4. Eat healthy meals
    Whatever you eat directly impacts your feeling. You should avoid including any foods to the meal that can affect your mood and your brain, such as caffeine, alcohol, highly preserved foods, or trans fats. You have to eat healthy foods and the best supplement for workout or exercise after consulting doctor.
  5. Get your daily dose of sunlight
    Getting your daily dose of sunlight can boost your serotonin levels and helps to improve your mood. You should daily expose your body to sunlight, at least for 15 minutes. Take off your sunglasses and use sunscreen, when it is required.
  6. Challenge your negative thoughts
    Do you feel that your energy is drained? It happens and you can’t do much about it and this situation is known as hopelessness. Depression fuels your negative thoughts and when such thoughts strike your mind, you need to understand that these are the symptoms of depression and these can be taken care of. It would be difficult to break the shell, as it is a long process. You need to gradually replace your negative thoughts with the positive ones.

When To See A Doctor?

If you have made some positive changes in your lifestyle and still your depression is getting worse, then you should visit a doctor. Getting medical help doesn’t mean that you are weak. Sometimes depression can make you feel worthless, but remember that it can be treated and you can feel good.


Why Do People Stigmatise Mental Illness? | Hope Care India | Dr Deepak Raheja | Best Psychiatrist

In this video, Dr. Deepak Raheja, the best psychiatrist in India, discusses why people stigmatize Mental Illness. Stigma is when another person views you in a negative way. It may be because you have distinguishing characteristics and unusual traits that people assume to be a negative stereotype. These negative views, attitudes, and beliefs of people towards those who have a mental health condition are very common in today’s society. This can lead to discrimination which may be so direct as someone making a negative remark about your mental illness or your treatment. It may be unintentional or intentional. It may be when someone is avoiding you because of the unstable nature of the mental illness. Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in society to create awareness about topics that were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare. We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery. Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377 #Counseling #TalkToTherapist #Anxiety #HealingDepression #Stress #Anxiety #Trauma #HealingTreatment #HealingPath #TrustUs

What are Internal and External Stigmas? | Hope Care India | Dr Deepak Raheja | Best Psychiatrist

Internal Stigma, also known as Felt Stigma refers to the shame of discrimination which prevents people from talking about their problems and experiences and seeking help. On the other hand, External Stigma refers to the experience which people face due to the unfair treatment of others. Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in society to create awareness about topics that were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare. We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery. Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377 #Counseling #TalkToTherapist #Anxiety #HealingDepression #Stress #Anxiety #Trauma #HealingTreatment #HealingPath #TrustUs

Mental Health Stigmas | Hope Care India | Dr Deepak Raheja | Best Psychiatrist India

This video highlights some stigmas associated with mental health. Stigma is when another person views you in a negative way. It may be because you have distinguishing characteristics and unusual traits that people assume to be a negative stereotype. These negative views, attitudes, and beliefs of people towards those who have a mental health condition are widespread in today’s society. This can lead to discrimination which may be so direct as someone making a negative remark about your mental illness or your treatment. It may be unintentional or intentional. It may be when someone is avoiding you because of the unstable nature of the mental illness. Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in society to create awareness about topics that were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare. We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery. Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377 #Counseling #TalkToTherapist #Anxiety #HealingDepression #Stress #Anxiety #Trauma #HealingTreatment #HealingPath #TrustUs

Mental Health Stigmas | Hope Care India | Dr Deepak Raheja | Best Psychiatrist India

This video highlights some stigmas associated with mental health.

Stigma is when another person views you in a negative way. It may be because you have distinguishing characteristics and unusual traits that people assume to be a negative stereotype. These negative views, attitudes, and beliefs of people towards those who have a mental health condition are widespread in today’s society.

This can lead to discrimination which may be so direct as someone making a negative remark about your mental illness or your treatment. It may be unintentional or intentional. It may be when someone is avoiding you because of the unstable nature of the mental illness.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in society to create awareness about topics that were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

#Counseling #TalkToTherapist #Anxiety #HealingDepression #Stress #Anxiety #Trauma #HealingTreatment #HealingPath #TrustUs

Happy Patient | Hopecare India | Patient Testimonial

Happy patient across the border – In this podcast, one of the patients of Dr Deepak Raheja, who came from France to get treatment sharing her feedback about her experience. She is satisfied with the procedure of her treatment. Now, she is all ready to fly back to her country to live a healthy life.
Team Hopecare India wishes her a healthy and happy life.

It is important to remember there are hope and help.
Seek Help Now.
If you think you or someone you know may have dealing with mental or emotional problem. Get confidential help now+91- 9311112377 #Anxiety #Counseling #SeekHelp #JoinSupportGroup #BeHappy #LetsTalk #BePositive #LoveYourSelf #RespectForYourself #AlwaysSmile #StayStrong #Happiness #Positivity #YouAreSpecial #talktotherapist #anxiety #mentalhealth #mentalhealthisimportant #awareness #mentalillness #HappyPatient

Signs of Anxiety

Anxiety can be in the form of feeling worried about a work problem with your boss or having butterflies in your stomach while waiting for your medical test results or getting nervous while driving in rush hour traffic.

Everyone experiences anxiety at some point in their life. It can be experienced by both adults and children. In most cases, anxiety can come and go. But for some, these feelings can be more than a stressful day at work. It may not go away for months and years and also worsen with time. This condition is known as an anxiety disorder.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

Signs Of Unemployment Which Can Affect Our Well Being

After unemployment, symptoms of somatization, depression, and anxiety were significantly greater in the unemployed than employed. Large standard deviations on self-esteem scores in the unemployed group suggested that some men coped better than others with job-loss stress.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

Learn To Cope With Unemployment

If you’re unemployed, feeling anxious and uncertain about your future, you are not alone! Feelings of uncertainty after a job loss are not uncommon.

When confronted with job loss and unemployment, you may experience a rollercoaster of emotions similar to grieving: shock, denial, anger, sadness, depression and eventually a sense of adjustment. Feelings of anger, depression, self-doubt and uncertainty can take over your life, resulting in an inability to take action, helplessness and loss of control. However, developing a plan of action will help you take control, move forward and assist you in dealing with unemployment uncertainty. Recognizing that uncertainty is a constant challenge is the first step towards dealing with unemployment.

During the grieving process, you may find yourself faced with a number of challenges.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

Tips for Dealing with Long Term Unemployment

It’s your worst nightmare. It’s been several months in between jobs and you feel yourself slowly losing your mind. A seemingly simple concept but certainly not easy to execute. Stress is inevitable during unemployment, but you must make the best of the existing circumstances. Maintaining a calm mind and body will not only make you less anxious but also allow you to be more creative.
Giving yourself a mental or physical break whether it’s meditation, journaling, listening to classical music, taking a bath or going for a long hike will give you the ability to think and feel more clearly. Job emails and interviews will be easier to tackle. You will be able to enjoy the fun with your friends and family. You will be more present.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

Unemployment Can Undermine Your Reality But Not Your Dreams

Unemployment has an even more bitter face than the one it shows: the invisibility and the stigmatization of those who suffer from it. This worsens the complicit silence of many of the health professionals that are being considered without clear consequences for people who are ever more in need of psychological and psychiatric attention.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

Tips For Mental Health Recovery


Try these tips to keep your balance, or re-balance yourself. Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favourite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become fluent in another language. People with strong family or social connections are generally healthier than those who lack a support network. Make plans with supportive family members and friends, or seek out activities where you can meet new people, such as a club, class or support group.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare. We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery. Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377

Tips You Can Try Today To Discover How To Love Yourself

Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self-criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favourite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become fluent in another language.
Seeking help is a sign of strength — not a weakness. And it is important to remember that treatment is effective. People who get appropriate care can recover from mental illness and addiction and lead full, rewarding lives.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living. Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare. We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.                                                                                                                            Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377


Suicide Warning Signs and Risks

Suicide does not have one single cause. Certain factors like substance abuse and untreated depression can lead to a higher risk of suicide just as having a trusted group of friends can help protect you. Read more about the warning signs of suicide, risk factors and protective factors of suicide.

Hope Care India is a leading psychiatric centre and mental wellness organization that recognizes and provides for the mental stresses in modern-day living.

Hope Care India dates back to 2004. It was set up to take a pioneering role in the society to create awareness about topics which were not discussed publicly in a country like India. The focus of Hope Care India is addressing the so-called “stigmas of society” like mental health, mental disorders, trauma, drug addiction, and much more. Hope Care India has a compelling desire to not only include the less fortunate and equally needy for support and treatment but also improve mental healthcare.

We have several outreach programs specially designed to help the children on the street, and homeless people with preventive care and treatment. Our model practices the principles of empathy and positivity. We take a holistic approach towards their patients by finding a solution to the underlying factors and prepare the patient for lifelong recovery.

Get confidential help now at +91-9311112377


Overcome Eve Teasing

Eve teasing is one of the oldest societal perils in the age of progress and development. “Violence against women is a manifestation of the historically unequal power relations between men and women, which have led to domination over and discrimination against women by men and to the prevention of full advancement of women (United Nations, 1993)”. The experience of eve teasing affects the lives of millions of women in India, in all socio-economic and educational classes, moving across boundaries of wealth, race, religion and culture; violating and curbing women’s autonomy of their human rights and fundamental freedoms including their ability to make choices. The fear of harassment in women depletes the society economically, politically and culturally by restraining the active contributory role of women in building a cultured society. The fear mechanism yields and forces women into a subservient position as compared to their male counterparts.

Stop the Abuse “Eve Teasing”
Of all the forms of violence against women, eve teasing is the most pervasive and deceptive as it is considered ‘normal’ behavior and not an attack against women. It is so ordinary and usual that society has become desensitized to the offensive mark that it carries. Eve teasing is form of sexual harassment or molestation of women by men. It ranges in severity from sexually painted remarks to outright groping and may also include verbal assaults such as making passes or unwelcome sexual jokes; nonverbal assaults such as displaying obscene gestures, winking, whistling, staring and physical assaults such as pinching, fondling, and rubbing against women in public places. In all the above scenarios the dignity and esteem of a woman is conceded.

One of the significant factor that plays a role in sexual violence against women is the gender biased socialization and social control at the domestic and societal level. The incongruity in the rules, values, customs, expectations and sanctions levied on girls on one hand and freedom from the same provided to the boys on the other hand creates the foundation of gender inequality. This conditions a boy’s mind into believing that there shall be no accountability for his behavior. This passes off as being true when parents of the boys who engage in eve teasing handle it insouciantly and pass it off as sheer entertainment and humor. Eve teasing, then, is nothing more than a way of men asserting power and dominance over women. Another factor that plays a role in determining concepts about gender roles and identities in the Indian context is the Media. Be it in the form of Bollywood movies or advertisements, women are objectified as ‘sex objects’ and portrayed as powerless, vulnerable and in a position to be exploited. Distortedly then, eve teasing which should really be derided is projected as being attractive, “cool” and harmless by the media.

Whilst eve teasing occurs across all social and economic groupings, there is a significant association between physical teasing and the low educational and social status of perpetrators. Most women do not retaliate to verbal or gestural teasing as it invites humiliation and embarrassment for them and they may believe that society may blame them for having done “something wrong” to invite the eve teaser for committing the offence. Fear of payback by the teaser may also deter them from being vocal about the harassment. Further in some cases the woman may fear that the offender may reverse the blame on her by accusing her of seeking attention and on non-compliance by the man, alleging him falsely. This threat of double victimization in most cases causes women to bear with the act of eve teasing and harassment in silence, which makes the offender buoyant, ready to strike again.

To overcome this problem certain measures at the family, societal, legal and personal level are necessary. Socialization and social control at the family and social level should not be gender biased; men should not be given undue freedom and power and a sense of accountability should be inculcated in men. Media should play its part in making people aware about the seriousness of this issue. At the legal level, strict implementation of regulations and rules should be implemented by the concerned authorities. At a personal level, women should not be approval seeking or consider themselves lesser than men in any respect and must stand up for themselves without any fear of shaping an identity of their own with the belief that they too have the right to live their life according to their choices.


Rape is an act of violence and humiliation that is expressed through sexual means. It is an act that is used to express power or anger. Usually, in cases of rape, ‘sex’ is not the appealing factor; it is largely used as service of nonsexual needs such as displacement of anger or rage and feeling in control. Numerous explanations have been offered to explain rape in humans – learning or enculturation, mental illness, personality differences, drug and alcohol use. However, these factors alone cannot explain the existence of such seemingly complex behavior. The above mentioned factors may increase the likelihood of rape, but cannot explain the complex organized behavior seen in rape.

Rape is the product of a specialized psychological adaptation and is a byproduct of other adaptations in the mind of the offender. These adaptations are a result of attitude formation that the offender has been conditioned to since a young age. Attitude formation largely results from learning. Classical conditioning and social learning at a young age may predispose an individual to carry forward regressive beliefs that are already present in the environment. This causes an attitude shift within the society at large. The concept of women as property or chattel, without sexual rights has a tribal, feudal history that extends from prehistoric times to the present, being passed down the generations. It is no wonder then why rape is stimulated through the cultural representation of women as objects or property over whom ownership is validated, if not willfully then by force and coercion. The sense of entitlement in rapists makes them view women as economic burdens who are not to be treated as equals in male dominated societies. This prejudice is based on simplistic overgeneralization which in turn gives way to stereotypes, where women who work late hours are labelled as immoral.

Rapists usually are men who misread cues given out by women in social situations and may lack the inhibitions that act to suppress associations between sex and aggression. They may also harbor coercive sexual fantasies and are different from other men in terms of impulsivity and antisocial tendencies. A realistic sense of inadequacy through the mechanism of reaction formation is depicted as an exaggerated sense of masculinity. Rapists are incapable of nurturing relationships and their need for sexual violence is also associated with a preference for impersonal sexual relationships as opposed to emotional bonding with many sexual partners and with the inclination to assert personal interests at the expense of the victim. There is evidence to suggest that sexual violence is also a learnt behavior in some adults, particularly as regards child sexual abuse. Alcohol and other drug consumption, having a need to control or dominate women, having anti-social tendencies, having been raised in a strong patriarchal family and having less empathy towards others are some of the factors that predispose a man to turn into a rapist .

Mental illness is no taboo. It is time to voice your concerns!

Talking to your loved ones ─ be it your parents, spouse, relatives, friends or colleagues ─ about your mental health concerns can be tricky. You might feel ashamed, anxious or unsure. The reactions that you might get could be nerve-wrecking as well. The reason is obvious. A large section of our society is yet to consider mental illness with compassion; they treat it as a stigma.


Dr Deepak Raheja, the best psychiatrist in Delhi,strongly advocates that mental disorders are nothing different from physical illnesses like heart problems, diabetes or eye infections, and thus, must be dealt in the same way. Lack of awareness or knowledge, and misunderstandings can add to the stress and anxiety of a person dealing with such problems.

Dr Deepak Raheja further suggests that people must openly voice their concerns, opinions and views about mental health issues. The idea is to break the myth and get rid of taboos associated with mental illnesses before it gets too late.

For those combating with such fears, talking it out could be one of the best ways to deal with the situation. However, there is a way to go about it. Whether you choose a close family member or a friend to talk about your situation, the following tips might just help you:

Choose a person who you think can understand you and your thoughts. Mutual respect, compassion and confidentiality are extremely important.
Timing plays an important role. Pick a good time to pour out your heart. Make sure that the person you wish you talk to about your mental stress isn’t really busy or preoccupied.
You can plan your speech in advance. Think about the points you want to put across and the instances you wish to share. Planning and practicing can make the encounter much easier for you.
Be expressive. Tell your loved ones that you need help, support and love. Being vocal about your problems and asking for help is the way to go.
Don’t be disheartened with the response. Prepare yourself for it. The one you are sharing your problems with would take some time to deal with his or her feelings regarding the matter. Give them some time before panicking at their response.
Do not just share the negatives. Do some research beforehand and share how positively people can come out of situations as yours with medical and emotional help.

With Hope Care Foundation, a leading psychiatric centre and mental-wellness organization, Dr Deepak Raheja and a team of experienced psychiatrics aim at lending support to those who are troubled by mental disorders.

If you or any of your loved ones arefacing problems related to mental health, simply visit and book an appointment with our mental health specialists.

Schizophrenia ─Understanding the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment Schizophrenia ─Understanding the Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Schizophrenia is a serious and challenging brain disorder that alters an individual’s way of thinking, feeling and behaving. People affected with schizophrenia have a different perception of the reality.They usually tend to live in an illusory or imaginary world. Some could be socially-withdrawn or unresponsive. In majority of the cases, schizophrenics find it difficult to be expressive or show normal emotions.

“Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness that can make a patient act or behave in a strange and confusing manner”, says Dr. Deepak Raheja, the best psychiatrist in Delhi. The feeling of being watched perpetually or seeing and hearing things that are unreal may make it difficult for a person to carry out the activities of daily life.

Dr. Deepak Raheja also states the fact that schizophrenia is different from split personality or multiple personality disorder. Contrary to popular misconception, all schizophrenics may not necessarily be violent or posea danger to the people around them.The symptoms and severity of the condition varies in each case, and right guidance from an experienced mental health professional is important.

The most common symptoms or early signs of schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, disordered speech, deranged thinking, impulsive behaviour, agitation, anxiety, emotional numbness, social withdrawal, and apathy.
The reasons that cause schizophrenia are still unclear. It might be due to genetics, certain immune disorders, serious viral infections, or deformities in the chemistry or structure of the brain.

Early treatment or effective rehabilitation can help a schizophrenic person lead a normal, productive and independent life. Dr Deepak Raheja suggests that psychosocial rehabilitation programs, self-help groups, therapy and counselling apart from regular medication might help a patient vent out his emptions, concerns and feelings regarding the illness.

With Hope Care, a leading mental-wellness organization, Dr Deepak Raheja’s aim is to provide the best care and treatment to people struggling with mental health disorders.

The best psychiatrists and rehabilitation centre in Delhi, Hope Care offers reliable in-patient facilities to those who are combating mental stresses. The endeavour of an expert panel of psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians and counsellors at Hope Care is to eradicate the stigma and taboo associated with mental illnesses. You could also visit for more information.

At Hope Care, Dr. Deepak Raheja reviews every case completely. The attempt is to give the best treatment, support, and direction so that emotional instabilities are no longer considered a forbidden in the general public!

Awareness about Somatic Symptom Disorder can save a life!

Somatic Symptom Disorder or SSD is a certain type of mental illness in which a person is driven by intense, excessive and maladaptive feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. The extremity of anxiety may lead to some intentionally-produced or feigned physical symptoms, such as body aches. However, there are chances that the affected person might not be faking the symptoms or may actually develop a serious disease.
Dr Deepak Raheja, the best psychiatrist in Delhi, states that disproportionate levels of distress might affect different organs in the body and lead to many health issues. This may significantly start hampering the normal routine of the affected person, and shape a vicious cycle that may persist for years, leaving the person perplexed and worried.
The causes that might lead to SSD or somatization disorder could be substance abuse, a mental disorder, a long-term physical ailment, genetics or family history.
The symptoms of the disease usually occur before the age of 30. The severity of symptoms may vary and disrupt a patient’s daily life. The most common signs of SSD include:


  • Weakness or fatigue
  • Breathlessness
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Neurologic problems
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Sexual troubles
  • Related Disorders

As per psychiatry, SSD might lead to several conditions:
Illness Anxiety Disorder: People with such disorders believe that even the most common physical ailment like a headache might turn into a serious brain tumour.
Conversion Disorder or the Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder: It is a condition in which a mental or emotional crisis (neurologic symptoms) develops and gets converted into a physical illness. The physical problems, therefore, have no underlying medical cause. These may include hearing loss, blindness, numbness or loss of sensation, paralysis, etc.
Pseudocyesis: It is the clinical term for a condition in which a woman has a false belief that she is pregnant. It may lead to certain signs and symptoms of pregnancy, such as cessation of the menstruation,nausea, fetal movement or labour pains.
It is most likely that SSD patients might refuse to take medical help for the psychiatric factors that bother them. However, seeing a specialist is crucial. A set treatment plan and a strong physician-patient relationship can help manage the disorder before it becomes a prolongedcondition.
The treatment for SSD usually focuses on stress reduction and management. It might also include counselling to lessen the intensity of the symptoms. Special cognitive behavioural therapy for curing SSD involves the correction of unrealistic beliefs, distorted thoughts and unnecessary anxiety.
If you or any of your loved ones are having symptoms that point towards depression or anxiety, it is advisable to get medical help from an expert at the earliest. You could simply visit and book an appointmentat Hope Care India, the best psychiatrists and rehabilitation centre in Delhi.
At Hope Care, Dr. Deepak Raheja reviews each case thoroughly. The endeavour is to provide the best treatment, support, and guidance so that mental illnesses are no longer considered a taboo in the society!

What Causes OCD & What are the Symptoms?

OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental disorder which may affect anyone, irrespective of any age, gender or social status. One can find anxiety disorder treatment center, where they can avail treatment programs for OCD. With OCD, the person suffering gets caught in a cycle of obsessions and compulsions. The obsessions that the person feels are unwanted, intrusive and a lot of times they see images that trigger the feeling of distress. The people with ODC have obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours, but one needs to understand that not everyone with such feeling is suffering from OCD. The obsession and compulsion in case of the disorder is way too extreme and relative actions cannot be controlled by the individual.

What Causes OCD?

The exact cause of OCD has not been found as yet. Research has shown that in many cases the disorder is caused by a combination of both environmental and biological factors.

  • Environmental Factors: OCD in lot of people are triggered by environmental stresses. Certain factors may also lead to worsening of the situation. This includes, abuse, living situations, illness, losing loved ones, relationship concerns, etc.
  • Biological Factors: We know the fact that the brain is one of the most complicated parts of our anatomy. It comprises of billions of neurons (nerve cells) that communicate together for proper functioning of the body. The neurons communicate with each other through chemical called neurotransmitters, which flows the information from one cell to another. Many scientists think that OCD arises when there is a problem in the pathways that links to the judgment and planning part of the brain and thus there are flaws in the areas involve body movements. Research has it that OCD symptoms can at times pass on from parents to children.

Symptoms of OCD

The symptoms of OCD vary from person to person. Below given are few common obsessions that people face when they suffer from OCD.

  • Afraid of dirt
  • Scared of places that are not organised
  • Afraid of causing harm to someone
  • Scared of making mistake
  • Feeling socially awkward or embarrassed
  • Overthinking over a normal situation
  • Strong need for order, exactly or symmetry

Common compulsions that an OCD person faces are:

  • Repetitively bathing or washing hands
  • Declininghandshakes or touching doorknobs
  • Checking things repeatedly, like stove, locks, doors and windows
  • Counting loud while performing certain tasks
  • Arranging and rearranging things repeatedly
  • Specific way of eating food
  • Getting stuck with images, words, thoughts that won’t go away easily
  • Repeating certain work, action or phrase

Therefore, if or any of your dear ones is suffering from OCD, you need to avail professional help. At Hope Care India, you can avail OCD Treatment in India by few of the experienced professionals who know how to handle the toughest of situations. Our treatment programs are designed to offer assured solutions for all kinds of mental disorders.

How to Control Bipolar Depression?

Depression is something we suffer from at one time or another. It is a part of life. There are many centres who offer assured bipolar depression treatment in Delhi. If one is in constant depression than it is time to consult a professional as the person might be suffering from severe depression, which gradually leads a person to take away their own lives.

A right kind of treatment can; however, help an individual to come out of their depression. There are many mental wellness centres who offer treatment programs for mental issues and one can avail assured solution for depression by few of the best psychiatrists in the industry.

Bipolar depression is a severe depression where a person has tendencies to lose control of one’s behaviours. Some of the symptoms of bipolar depression are

  • Constant sadness, worry and feeling of loneliness
  • Lack of energy
  • Unable to enjoy anything
  • Always sleepy and finding it difficult to come out of bed
  • Feel like you can’t enjoy anything
  • East less or overeat
  • Cannot focus and difficulty in remembering things, names and people
  • Unable to make decisions
  • Wanting to end life

Some individuals suffering from Bipolar Depression have the tendency of feeling extremely sad and at the same time full of energy. Some of the centres of mental wellness like Hope Care offer therapies and treatment programs for depression. Given below are few ways how one can control their depression. In most of treatments involving treating bipolar depression, includes a mix of medicine and talk therapy.

Doctors at Hope Care mental wellness centre hold experience in treating bipolar disorders in patients by offering them result oriented treatment programs. The doctors prescribe medication that incudes mood stabilizer, antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. They also arrange talk therapies, where the patient can talk and express their feelings. The person suffering can also control their depression up to a certain extent. Below given are few ways how one can control their Bipolar Depression.

  • Avoid drinking alcohol: This only triggers the emotions and thus worsens the mood.
  • Maintain a routine: Try to sleep and wake-up early, workout, eat healthy.
  • While sad, do not make major decisions: Avoid taking stress and workloads when you are feeling depressed.
    • Talk to your family members about your issues: Family will always be there for you. They can help you keep calm and engaged in something productive, like cookingm gardening, etc.

Thus, if you are unable to take control of your bipolar depression, talk to the professionals at Hope Care Mental Health Center in Delhi and let the experts take care of you.

All About Drug Addiction & Its Treatment

Addiction to drugs is not a new found problem. This issue have been going on since ages. It is very sad to notice that in spite of its long existence, yet the treatment for drug addiction it still widely required and has claimed a lot of lives all across the globe. Apart from being dangerous and addictive, drugs are also illegal, which again results in increased rate of crime and smuggle.

At Hope Care India, we have been helping people with drug addiction, since 2004. We try to understand the issues and reasons behind every addiction and structure the treatment program accordingly. Let us know a little bit more about drug addiction.

Symptoms of Drug Addiction:

Most of the drug addictions start as experiment. Teenagers are more likely to become victims of drug abuse as they glorify the pleasure or hallucinating effects of the drugs. Many people believe that trying a certain kind of drug is not harmful. However, they are wrong. Once you get used to any kind of drug, you lose the will to stay away from it. And the addiction keeps growing with time. Below are few symptoms that reflect that you are addicted to the drug:

  • Regular usage – this could be weekly, daily or hourly
  • Normal function – You might feel that you cannot think or act normally without using the drug
  • Quantity keep increasing – Regular use of the drug makes the person immune and thus they increase the dose in order to feel the same effect of high
  • Behavioural change – An addict would do anything to get their hands on the drug. Some addicts turn aggressive and resort to stealing and looting money for drugs.

Nevertheless, the symptoms vary from person to person. If you are worried about a family member being addicted to any kind of drug addiction, you need to make a note of the following characteristics:

  • Problems in academic life – Missing classed, poor performance, etc.
  • Health deteriorating – Physical appearance changes, weight loss, poor apatite, etc.
  • Change in behaviour – Becoming anti-social, unable to maintain relationships, aggressive, anxiety, secretive, lacking energy and motivation
  • Need for money – Needing money without any obvious reason, stealing money from home or friends, gambling, etc.

Drug Addiction Treatment at Hope Care

At Hope Care, we believe in bringing good health to one and all. We help and support people to overcome their drug addiction and help them offering reliable drug addiction treatment center in Delhi. If you are concerned with a dear one who is suffering from drug addiction, you need to immediately get in touch with our professionals and let them know the issue. We offer treatment programs that are designed for every patient. We understand the fact that no two addictions can be same. Therefore, we offer different addiction treatments to different patients. Talk to the experienced professionals at Hope Care and let them take care of you.

Psychiatric Illnesses and Rehabilitation

Mental Health is fast becoming an area of concern for many, simply because a disturbed state of mind can be emotionally and physically taxing for both the patient and the caregivers. Not only this, the patient is also left exposed to the opinions and judgments of others, which further aggravates the situation.

To clear a few myths about Mental Health, it is important to understand the implication of mental illnesses. A mental infirmity is a pattern of behavior or thought process that causes dysfunctionality and is a stark deviation from the normal standard of daily functioning. These patterns may be continuous, relapsing and remitting. Holistically, a mental illness impacts how the patient thinks, feels and behaves. It is important to note that the absence of a mental illness is not a marker of Mental Health. Instead, Mental Health is defined as the ability of an individual to adapt and realize his/her own potential, cope with stressors effectively and be involved in the community.

There are several reasons that may lead to mental illnesses. However, research indicates that a predispositional vulnerability together with stressors from life experiences may trigger a mental illness. The vulnerability may appear in the garb of genetic, psychological, biological, or situational factors. Treatment for such afflictions is available in the form of both in-patient and out-patient services. The idea of treatment is to provide medication to encapsulate the symptoms so that the patient may feel some relief and thereafter induct the patient into therapy sessions which can further cement recovery.  The idea of in-patient treatment must not be looked upon as frightening or daunting, simply because it’s the best course of action that families can take if the patient is severely unmanageable and there is a crisis situation that needs intervention. Rehabilitation is significantly different from admission in a hospital set up in the sense that it not only aims at stabilizing the patient and plummeting his/her violent tendencies but is engineered to address the core symptoms and use several treatment techniques to get the patient back to his maximum potential of functionality by relearning social skills and how to adapt to differing life situations.

In- patient treatment services are carried out in a safe, nurturing, compassionate environment at Hope Care India- Institute of Psychiatry, a rehabilitation center where state of the art treatment, using innovative techniques, is provided by licensed mental health professionals. At the facility, on admission, the patient is put into observation. Following detailed clinical evaluation and serial Mental Status Examinations, pharmacological interventions are initiated. The initial phase of treatment is to build rapport and the aim is to understand the patient’s attitude towards his/her illness. Technique of cathartic ventilation is further initiated to get an understanding of the patient’s past and this is more of an information gathering exercise. In the course of these therapy sessions confidentiality and unconditional support by the treating team is of utmost priority. Once stabilized the patient is started on the process of psycho-education and the patient’s denial about the illness is also addressed using rational explanations, drawing on the strong therapeutic alliance established in the initial stages of rapport building. Regular monitoring of the symptoms is carried out to keep a tab on the response of the active phase symptoms to pharmacotherapy with regard to improvement in the acute phase, the state in which the patient had initially presented himself on admission.

Further, in the next phase of treatment,  the patient is provided with a concrete frame for his confusing experiences so as to enable him to logically process what had gone wrong with him and make him aware how to handle similar situations in the future, in of a relapse. A discussion about how the beliefs occurred- through inferences or cognitive distortions is also done with a review of the antecedents and identification of the misattributions. The patient is then assisted in developing alternative healthy thoughts by looking for alternative explanations and coping strategies. Identification of habitual stressful situations and cognitions and utilization of cognitive strategies to cope with them is also carried out. Dealing with social situations, the impact of his behavioral aberrations on his self esteem and the fear of sliding back to previous maladaptive patterns of behavior is also discussed and worked through. Therapy thereafter is geared to build stress management skills which are developed through a variety of relaxation methods that are implemented through meditation, yoga and spirituality.

The licensed, trained psychologists at the facility also assist in communication with family to help the patient build social networks supportive of change in his day to day life and bridge the interpersonal strain in the relationships with the family. Further, the patient’s participation in different activities such as dance movement therapy, pottery, art therapy, music therapy/Karaoke sessions and drama therapy is encouraged to help him emote better.

Towards the end of the stay thoughts about re-integrating into mainstream life are addressed with the patient and a review of the stressors, signs/triggers of stress and effective coping strategies is done. Further, a termination plan is developed. This plan includes an agreed upon procedure to handle emergencies and to be in touch with the treating team.

Dr. Deepak Raheja
Sr. Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
President – Delhi Psychiatric Society
Director – Hope Care India
137, Uday Park,
New Delhi – 110049
Ph.: +91-98102 12377
Website: –

Hope Care India Provides a New Ray of Hope

Mental Health is a state of well being, in which an individual is able to maximize his own potential, is able to handle stressors, make decisions and live resourcefully. However, the increase in everyday stressors, there seems to be a decline in mental health in society as a whole. As many would assume, the absence of a psychiatric illness, is not a measure of mental well being. Instead, Mental Health comprises of a state of complete physical, emotional and social well being.

It is important to understand the factors that cause a mental illness. It is interplay of various factors, the neurochemistry of the brain, genetics and the constitutional make up, the stressors in the immediate environment and the coping ability to deal with those stressors. Needless to say that an individual’s thinking style and their patterns of perceiving situations is also contingent upon the individual’s pre-disposition to developing a mental illness.

Hope Care India, traces its genesis and birth to the brain wave of Dr. Deepak Raheja, a young psychiatrist in Delhi, fourteen years ago with intent to better the state of mental health in Delhi by providing treatment opportunities to all sections of society and helping people become more aware of mental illness. With an experience of fourteen odd years under his belt, Dr.Deepak’s vision has grown in leaps and bounds and his compassionate treatment methodologies and philosophies has resulted in many finding relief and healing through his innovative methods of treatment. Today HOPE CARE INDIA has grown to be a dynamic team of mental health professionals, some specialists in their own fields, taking further and improvising the vision that Dr, Raheja had set forth a few years ago.  Passion, empathetic approach, attentive listening and unconditional commitment to patient well being are the staunch pillars on which HOPE CARE INDIA rests and operates.

At HOPE CARE, the treating team provides quality services to treat various mental illnesses and also provide a space to interested individuals to better their mental health. This includes coping with problems in life which may not necessarily be clinically loaded or have acute psychological underpinnings, yet are significant enough to cause distress and unmanageability in one’s life. To name a few, relationship problems, academic issues, problems related to work and social environment , self esteem issues, poor personality skills are a few non clinical problem areas for which help is readily available at HOPE CARE .

Acute or continuous, Mental Illness in any form can be very crippling both for the patient and the family. This is because mostly the symptoms are not understood; they can initiate fear and worry in the family and sadly are most often misdiagnosed. The point being that such illnesses are workable and can be arrested if treated appropriately. HOPE CARE has scientific assessment techniques, diagnostic formulation methods and clinical therapies that are used in combination to make individualized treatment plans, depending upon the presenting symptomatology. The focus is on educating the patient and the family about the disease so that they are aware of what they are dealing with. This gives an edge to the patient to be more motivated and hopeful about treatment outcomes. HOPE CARE endeavors to support the patient in coping by helping restore confidence and well being .Treatment is provided both on an in patient and out patient basis. There are no gender biases and confidentiality and safety of all patients is the priority of the treating team and staff at HOPE CARE.

Dr. Deepak Raheja
Sr. Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
President – Delhi Psychiatric Society
Director – Hope Care India
137, Uday Park,
New Delhi – 110049
Ph.: +91-98102 12377
Website: –

Addiction and Rehabilitation

Addiction is a devastating illness that causes unmanage ability and distress in the patient’s life. It is progressive, if not treated along with being powerful, baffling and cunning. Paradoxically, the identified patient, operates from a rigid denial system that does not allow him/her to see reality and the fact that a lot more is being taken by the illness as compared to being given.

Drugs and Alcohol Addiction is basically defined as the need to use any psychotropic substance to alter one’s mood. This need in turn is caused because of the patient’s inability to face reality for what it is. In an attempt, then, to bend and twist reality according to something that is more pleasing and less painful, the patient  resorts to a quick / instant methods of anesthiasing himself/herself by the act of using alcohol or drugs.

A shift in attitude and thinking in due course of time causes significant changes in behavior in the patient. There is such a stark change in his personality that family members are left puzzled about the change that is evident. The patient may go on to make promises and excuses that the family shall patiently weigh out, hoping for a miracle. For the family the main culprit is the substance and they too get into the momentum of bargaining with the patient. For example, agreeing upon the number of drinks, drinking only at home or drinking/using thrice a week etc.  But this lasts only till all chaos and hell breaks out. Reason being that an alcoholic can never turn into a social drinker.  From being extremely ego centric to controlling, as the illness progresses and the intake of substance increases, the patient becomes very difficult for other people to relate to. This causes a strain in interpersonal relationships with social and occupational difficulties. At the threshold of addiction is a significant variable that fuels the illness, known as “Spiritual Bankruptcy”. This a complete reversal of the value system inculcated in the patient since childhood which makes him/her lose a connect with the inner self and leads to extremity- in thinking, in feeling and behavior. This extremity which has been semi operative so far; when exposed to the substance takes on an explosive, volcanic form which leads to “dysfunctional choices” that are made by the patient, which leave the family and friends traumatized, disappointed and also at times angry; at later stages worried.

It is at this stage of worry that the inexcusable behavior of the patient is for the first time thought of as a disease and not just defined as “a bad habit”. From the above understanding of addiction it is very clear then that the problem is not just the substance but is more of an attitudinal/personality issue. It is the lens with which the patient views life in general that is distorted.

Getting rid of this affliction is a process in itself and is not about the patient’s will power. It is about delving deep into the recesses of the patient’s mind and identifying the core symptoms within him/her that are fuelling the addiction. Treatment for addiction is accessible and revolves around creating not only abstinence but functioning holistically on the patient’s personality and thinking. Depending upon the severity of the symptoms, duration of the illness and the associated unmanageability and distress, a recommendation is made by a psychiatrist to begin treatment on an out patient basis or cases that require more intensive work up are recommended admission and treatment at a Rehabilitation centre. It is important to note that all addiction related problems do not require rehabilitation though they may require professional help and guidance to battle the illness.

Hope Care India – Institute of De-Addiction is a treatment and rehabilitation center that is safe, secured and a residential axis that helps the patient in creating a geographical distance between him and the substance, the first stepping stone of treatment. Being away from external distractions helps the patient focus within and sets the foundation for intensive therapeutic sessions to begin. Contrary to myths about rehabilitation centers, Hope Care India, works with a philosophy of treating all patients with the utmost dignity and respect. A nurturing, compassionate environment is engineered that sets the pace for healing to begin. Differing from the viewpoint that an addict must be taught a lesson , the licensed professionals at Hope Care India , believe in operating from clinical logic and practice that they have acquired over years of training and experience.  As opposed to the Out-patient services, In-patient treatment allows for extensive monitoring and supervision that helps the treating team chart the patient’s progress on a day to day basis and get a better understanding of the internal factors that maintain addiction. Detoxification, Cognitive behavioral therapy and intensive family therapy sessions help the patient regain his lost confidence and functionality.

Dr. Deepak Raheja
Sr. Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist
President – Delhi Psychiatric Society
Director – Hope Care India
137, Uday Park,
New Delhi – 110049
Ph.: +91-98102 12377
Website: –